Organization name
Coventry University

Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
11-Μαρ-1998Sex-related differences of public relations managers in consumer goods companies in Greece and ItalyPanigyrakis, George G. ; Veloutsou, Cleopatra A. Gender in Management 
21-Ιαν-2019Seven HCI Grand ChallengesStephanidis, Constantine ; Salvendy, Gavriel ; Antona, Margherita ; Chen, Jessie Y.C. ; Dong, Jianming ; Duffy, Vincent G. ; Fang, Xiaowen ; Fidopiastis, Cali ; Fragomeni, Gino ; Fu, Limin Paul ; Guo, Yinni ; Harris, Don ; Ioannou, Andri ; Jeong, Kyeong ah (Kate) ; Konomi, Shin’ichi ; Krömker, Heidi ; Kurosu, Masaaki ; Lewis, James R. ; Marcus, Aaron ; Meiselwitz, Gabriele ; Moallem, Abbas ; Mori, Hirohiko ; Fui-Hoon Nah, Fiona ; Ntoa, Stavroula ; Rau, Pei Luen Patrick ; Schmorrow, Dylan ; Siau, Keng ; Streitz, Norbert ; Wang, Wentao ; Yamamoto, Sakae ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Zhou, Jia International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 
31-Σεπ-2018Optimal gate commutated thyristor design for bi-mode gate commutated thyristors underpinning high, temperature independent, current controllabilityLophitis, N. ; Antoniou, M. ; Vemulapati, U. ; Vobecky, J. ; Badstuebner, U. ; Wikstroem, T. ; Stiasny, T. ; Rahimo, M. ; Udrea, F. IEEE Electron Device Letters 
4Αυγ-2012One-to-many Neural Network Mapping Techniques for Face Image SynthesisJayne, Chrisina ; Christodoulou, Chris ; Lanitis, Andreas Expert systems with applications 
522-Ιου-2017On the Investigation of the "anode Side" SuperJunction IGBT Design ConceptAntoniou, Marina ; Lophitis, Neophytos ; Udrea, Florin ; Bauer, Friedhelm ; Vemulapati, Umamaheswara Reddy ; Badstuebner, Uwe IEEE Electron Device Letters 
61-Ιου-2019On the broken rotor bar diagnosis using time-frequency analysis: 'Is one spectral representation enough for the characterisation of monitored signals?'Panagiotou, Panagiotis A. ; Arvanitakis, Ioannis ; Lophitis, Neophytos ; Antonino-Daviu, Jose A. ; Gyftakis, Konstantinos N. IET Electric Power Applications 
71-Απρ-2016New bi-mode gate-commutated thyristor design concept for high-current controllability and low ON-state voltage dropLophitis, Neophytos ; Antoniou, M. ; Vemulapati, U. ; Arnold, M. ; Nistor, I. ; Vobecky, J. ; Rahimo, M. ; Udrea, F. IEEE Electron Device Letters 
831-Μαΐ-2022Mobilising the walking-with technique to explore mundane consumption practices: practical and theoretical reflectionsMak, Connie K.Y. ; Lai, Ai Ling ; Tsaousi, Christiana ; Davies, Andrea Qualitative Market Research 
91-Σεπ-2021Experimental and Physics-Based Study of the Schottky Barrier Height Inhomogeneity and Associated Traps Affecting 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier DiodesArvanitopoulos, Anastasios E. ; Li, Fan ; Jennings, Mike R. ; Perkins, Samuel ; Gyftakis, Konstantinos N. ; Mawby, Philip ; Antoniou, Marina ; Lophitis, Neophytos IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 
101-Μαρ-2020A Defects-Based Model on the Barrier Height Behavior in 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier DiodesArvanitopoulos, Anastasios E. ; Antoniou, Marina ; Jennings, Mike R. ; Perkins, Samuel ; Gyftakis, Konstantinos N. ; Mawby, Philip ; Lophitis, Neophytos IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 
111-Φεβ-2019Deep p-Ring Trench Termination: An Innovative and Cost-Effective Way to Reduce Silicon AreaAntoniou, M. ; Lophitis, Neophytos ; Udrea, F. ; Rahimo, M. ; Vemulapati, U. ; Corvasce, C. ; Badstuebner, U. IEEE Electron Device Letters 
121-Αυγ-1999Brand managers' relations with industrial service providers in pharmaceutical and other companiesPanigyrakis, George G. ; Veloutsou, Cleopatra A. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 
1311-Οκτ-20213C-SiC-on-Si MOSFETs: Overcoming Material Technology LimitationsArvanitopoulos, Anastasios ; Antoniou, Marina ; Li, Fan ; Jennings, Mike R. ; Perkins, Samuel ; Gyftakis, Konstantinos ; Lophitis, Neophytos IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications