| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 1 | 24-Dec-2024 | New Predictive Model for the Computation of Reinforced Concrete Column Shear Strength | van der Westhuizen, Ashley Megan ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. ; Markou, George | International Journal of Computational Methods |
| 2 | 24-Jul-2024 | Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Develop a Predictive Model for Computing the Maximum Deflection of Horizontally Curved Steel I-Beams | Ababu, Elvis M. ; Markou, George ; Skorpen, Sarah | Computation |
| 3 | 1-Jun-2024 | Developing predictive models for the load-displacement response of laterally loaded reinforced concrete piles in stiff unsaturated clay using machine learning algorithms | Braun, Kevin T. ; Markou, George ; Jacobsz, S. W. ; Calitz, Duan | Structures |
| 4 | 1-Apr-2024 | A general framework of high-performance machine learning algorithms: application in structural mechanics | Markou, George ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. ; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A. ; Papadrakakis, Manolis | Computational Mechanics |
| 5 | 1-Feb-2024 | Computationally-efficient high-fidelity nonlinear FEA of seismically isolated post-tensioned RC bridges | Markou, George ; AlHamaydeh, Mohammad | Structures |
| 6 | 2024 | Big Data Generation and Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models in Predicting the Fundamental Period of Steel Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction | Van Der Westhuizen, Ashley Megan ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. ; Markou, George | International Journal of Computational Methods |
| 7 | 1-Jun-2023 | Advanced numerical modelling of the nonlinear mechanical behaviour of a laterally loaded pile embedded in stiff unsaturated clay | Braun, Kevin T. ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. ; Markou, George ; Jacobsz, S. W. | Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering |
| 8 | May-2023 | Effect of Different Endodontic Access Cavity Designs in Combination with WaveOne Gold and TruNatomy on the Fracture Resistance of Mandibular First Molars: A Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis | Vorster, Martin ; Gravett, Dewald Zane ; van der Vyver, Peet J. ; Markou, George | Journal of Endodontics |
| 9 | 1-Jan-2023 | The Effect of Different Access Cavity Designs in Combination with WaveOne Gold and TruNatomy Instrumentation on Remaining Dentin Thickness and Volume | Vorster, Martin ; van der Vyver, Peet J. ; Markou, George | Journal of Endodontics |
| 10 | 15-Oct-2022 | Structural performance deterioration of corroding reinforced concrete columns in marine environments | Chen, Hua-Peng ; Jiang, Yu ; Markou, George | Ocean Engineering |
| 11 | 1-Aug-2022 | AI-based shear capacity of FRP-reinforced concrete deep beams without stirrups | AlHamaydeh, Mohammad ; Markou, George ; Bakas, Nikolas ; Papadrakakis, Manolis | Engineering Structures |
| 12 | 1-Jul-2022 | The Effect of Different Molar Access Cavity Designs on Root Canal Shaping Times Using Rotation and Reciprocation Instruments in Mandibular First Molars | Vorster, Martin ; van der Vyver, Peet J. ; Markou, George | Journal of Endodontics |
| 13 | 2022 | Traditional and Conservative Molar Endodontic Access Cavity Designs: A Classification and Overview | Vorster, Martin ; van der Vyver, Peet J. ; Markou, George | South African Dental Journal |
| 14 | 1-Dec-2021 | Prediction of the shear capacity of reinforced concrete slender beams without stirrups by applying artificial intelligence algorithms in a big database of beams generated by 3D nonlinear finite element analysis | Markou, George ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. | Computers and Concrete |
| 15 | 1-Dec-2021 | A new damage factor for seismic assessment of deficient bare and FRP-retrofitted RC structures | Markou, George ; Garcia, Reyes ; Mourlas, Christos ; Guadagnini, Maurizio ; Pilakoutas, Kypros ; Papadrakakis, Manolis | Engineering Structures |
| 16 | 1-Nov-2021 | A new method of seismic retrofitting cost analysis and effectiveness for reinforced concrete structures | Markou, George | Engineering Structures |
| 17 | 15-May-2021 | State-of-the-art investigation of wind turbine structures founded on soft clay by considering the soil-foundation-structure interaction phenomenon – Optimization of battered RC piles | Gravett, Dewald Z. ; Markou, George | Engineering Structures |
| 18 | 1-May-2021 | New fundamental period formulae for soil-reinforced concrete structures interaction using machine learning algorithms and ANNs | Gravett, Dewald Z. ; Mourlas, Christos ; Taljaard, Vicky Lee ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. ; Markou, George ; Papadrakakis, Manolis | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
| 19 | 10-Mar-2021 | Enhanced dynamic simulation approach towards the efficient mining thermal energy supply with improved operational flexibility | Rosado-Tamariz, Erik ; Genco, Filippo ; Campos-Amezcua, Alfonso ; Markou, George ; Batres, Rafael | International Journal of Energy Research |
| 20 | 17-Jan-2021 | Finite element modelling of plain and reinforced concrete specimens with the Kotsovos and Pavlovic material model, smeared crack approach and fine meshes | Markou, George ; Roeloffze, Wynand | International Journal of Damage Mechanics |