Dr. George Markou was born in Cyprus in 1979 where he finished his high school studies (1997) and jointed the Cyprus Armed Forces as a reserve Lieutenant Officer to serve his military duties for 26 months. In 1999 he enrolled at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece as a student in the 5 year Civil Engineering Department’s undergraduate program. During his studies he managed to be the recipient of 12 academic awards and scholarships, while during his senior year he was involved in several Civil Engineering projects. After he completed his undergraduate studies with honors (1% among his class mates) in 2004, he was accepted at the Master of Science 2 year program (NTUA), which he managed to finish in 1 year (2005).

Through his under and post graduate Theses several International papers were published in both Conferences and Scientific Journals. At 2005 he was accepted as a Ph.D. candidate (NTUA) under the supervision of Prof. Manolis Papadrakakis in the field of computational mechanics. During his Ph.D. dissertation, Dr. Markou was the recipient of 2 scholarships and 1 research funding. In January 2009 he was working as a special staff at the Frederick University of Cyprus for the Civil Engineering Department where he taught several courses. In January 2011 he received his Ph.D. title, while continued to work, as a special staff, at the Frederick University and at the same time be active in Civil Engineering consulting and research. Dr Markou worked for different Universities around the world (University of Pretoria, The University of Sheffield, UCSC, Neapolis University), while he currently is appointed as a faculty member at the Cyprus University of Technology.

As a Civil Engineer, Dr. Markou designed numerous projects which mainly involved seismically resistant RC and Steel structures. He a registered Professional Engineer in two different countries: Cyprus (ETEK) and South Africa (ECSA).

Dr. Markou is also the software architect of the research finite element analysis software ReConAn FEA.