Issue Date Title Author(s) 1 4-Aug-2023 Views about perceived training needs of health care professionals in relation to socially assistive robots: an international online survey Papadopoulos, Irena ; Koulouglioti, Christina ; Lazzarino, Runa ; Ali, Sheila ; Wright, Steve ; Martín-García, Ángel ; Oter-Quintana, Cristina ; Kouta, Christiana ; Rousou, Elena ; Papp, Katalin ; Krepinska, Radka ; Tóthová, Valerie ; Malliarou, Maria ; Apostolara, Paraskevi ; Lesińska-Sawicka, Malgorzata ; Nagórska, Malgorzata ; Líšková, Miroslava ; Nortvedt, Line ; Alpers, Lise-Merete ; Biglete-Pangilinan, Sylvia ; Oconer-Rubiano, Ma Florinda ; Chaisetsampun, Wireeporn ; Wichit, Nutchanath ; Ebrahimi Ghassemi, Akhtar ; Jafarjalal, Ezzat ; Zorba, Akile ; Kuckert-Wöstheinrich, Andrea ; Malla, Rabin ; Toda, Tomiko ; Akman, Ozlem ; Ozturk, Candan ; Puvimanasinghe, Teresa S. ; Ziaian, Tahereh ; Eldar-Regev, Orit ; Nissim, Sara
2 Apr-2023 Socially assistive robots in health and social care: Acceptance and cultural factors. Results from an exploratory international online survey Papadopoulos, Irena ; Wright, Steve ; Koulouglioti, Christina ; Ali, Sheila ; Lazzarino, Runa ; Martín-García, Ángel ; Oter-Quintana, Cristina ; Kouta, Christiana ; Rousou, Elena ; Papp, Katalin ; Krepinska, Radka ; Tóthová, Valerie ; Malliarou, Maria ; Apostolara, Paraskevi ; Lesińska-Sawicka, Malgorzata ; Nagórska, Malgorzata ; Líšková, Miroslava ; Nortvedt, Line ; Alpers, Lise-Merete ; Biglete-Pangilinan, Sylvia ; Oconer-Rubiano, Ma Florinda ; Chaisetsampun, Wireeporn ; Wichit, Nutchanath ; Ghassemi, Akhtar-Ebrahimi ; Jafarjalal, Ezzat ; Zorba, Akile ; Kuckert-Wöstheinrich, Andrea ; Malla, Rabin ; Toda, Tomiko ; Akman, Ozlem ; Ozturk, Candan ; Puvimanasinghe, Teresa S. ; Ziaian, Tahereh ; Eldar-Regev, Orit ; Nissim, Sara
3 2023 Correlation of Cancer Caregiver's Burden, Stress, and Their Quality of Life Fellia, Theodora ; Sarafis, Pavlos ; Bouletis, Axilleas ; Tzenetidis, Vasileios ; Papathanasiou, Iokasti ; Apostolidi, Theodora-Paisia ; Gkena, Niki ; Nikolentzos, Athanasios ; Patsopoulou, Anna ; Malliarou, Maria
4 2023 Investigation of Factors That Affect the Quality of Life After a Stroke Malliarou, Maria ; Tsionara, Christina ; Patsopoulou, Anna ; Bouletis, Axilleas ; Tzenetidis, Vasileios ; Papathanasiou, Iokasti ; Kotrotsiou, Evangelia ; Gouva, Mary ; Nikolentzos, Athanasios ; Sarafis, Pavlos
5 2023 Greek military nursing officers' compassion competence and compassion level at work and their professional quality of life Klimentidou, Thomai ; Patsopoulou, Anna ; Tzenetidis, Vasileios ; Sarafis, Pavlos ; Apostolakis, Ioannis ; Malliarou, Maria
6 1-Dec-2022 Nursing and Midwifery Managers’ Views on Compassion in Daily Practice: A Survey in Greece and Cyprus Kouta, Christiana ; Apostolara, Paraskevi ; Rousou, Elena ; Malliarou, Maria ; Papadopoulos, Irena
7 Sep-2021 Enactment of compassionate leadership by nursing and midwifery managers: results from an international online survey Papadopoulos, Irena ; Wright, Steve ; Lazzarino, Runa ; Koulouglioti, Christina ; Aagard, Magdeline ; Akman, Ozlem ; Alpers, Lise-Merete ; Apostolara, Paraskevi ; Araneda, Julieta ; Biglete-Pangilinan, Sylvia ; Eldar-Regev, Orit ; González Gil, María Teresa ; Kouta, Christiana ; Krepinska, Radka ; Lesińska-Sawicka, Malgorzata ; Líšková, Miroslava ; Lopez-Diaz, Lucero ; Malliarou, Maria ; Martín-García, Ángel ; Muñoz-Salinas, Mara ; Nagórska, Malgorzata ; Ngunyulu, Roinah Nkhensani ; Nissim, Sara ; Nortvedt, Line ; Oconer-Rubiano, Florinda ; Oter-Quintana, Cristina ; Ozturk, Candan ; Papp, Katalin ; Piratoba-Hernandez, Blanca ; Rousou, Elena ; Tolentino-Diaz, Maria Ymelda ; Tóthová, Valerie ; Zorba, Akile
8 26-Apr-2021 The Importance of Being a Compassionate Leader: The Views of Nursing and Midwifery Managers From Around the World Papadopoulos, Irena ; Lazzarino, Runa ; Koulouglioti, Christina ; Aagard, Magdeline ; Akman, Ozlem ; Alpers, Lise-Merete ; Apostolara, Paraskevi ; Araneda-Bernal, Julieta ; Biglete-Pangilinan, Sylvia ; Eldar-Regev, Orit ; González Gil, María Teresa ; Kouta, Christiana ; Krepinska, Radka ; Lesińska-Sawicka, Malgorzata ; Líšková, Miroslava ; López-Díaz, Alba Lucero ; Malliarou, Maria ; Martín-García, Ángel ; Muñoz-Solinas, Mara ; Nagórska, Malgorzata ; Ngunyulu, Roinah Nkhensani ; Nissim, Sara ; Nortvedt, Line ; Oconer-Rubiano, Ma Florinda ; Oter-Quintana, Cristina ; Ozturk, Candan ; Papp, Katalin ; Piratoba-Hernandez, Blanca ; Rousou, Elena ; Tolentino-Diaz, Maria Ymelda ; Tóthová, Valerie ; Zorba, Akile
9 2021 Translation and validation of the Greek version of the Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Physician and Nurse Collaboration (JSAPNC) Malliarou, Maria ; Domeyer, Philippe J. ; Bamidis, Panagiotis D. ; Sarafis, Pavlos
10 25-Jun-2020 Reliability and validity of the Greek translation of the patient assessment of chronic illness care + (PACIC-PLUS GR) survey Malliarou, Maria ; Bakola, Eleni ; Nikolentzos, Athanasios ; Sarafis, Pavlos
11 16-Jun-2020 Diabetic patient assessment of chronic illness care using PACIC+ Malliarou, Maria ; Desikou, Christina ; Lahana, Eleni ; Kotrotsiou, Styliani ; Paralikas, Theodosios ; Nikolentzos, Athanasios ; Kotrotsiou, Evangelia ; Sarafis, Pavlos
12 3-Mar-2020 The impact of socio-demographic features on anxiety and depression amongst navy veterans after retirement: a cross-sectional study Georgantas, Dimitris ; Tsounis, Andreas ; Vidakis, Ioannis ; Malliarou, Maria ; Sarafis, Pavlos
13 2020 Obstacles to compassion-giving among nursing and midwifery managers: an international study Papadopoulos, Irena ; Lazzarino, Runa ; Koulouglioti, Christina ; Aagard, Magdeline ; Akman, Ozlem ; Alpers, Lise-Merete ; Apostolara, Paraskevi ; Araneda Bernal, J. ; Biglete-Pangilinan, Sylvia ; Eldar-Regev, Orit ; González Gil, María Teresa ; Kouta, Christiana ; Krepinska, Radka ; Lesińska-Sawicka, Malgorzata ; Líšková, Miroslava ; López-Díaz, Alba Lucero ; Malliarou, Maria ; Martín-García, Ángel ; Muñoz-Salinas, M. ; Nagórska, Malgorzata ; Ngunyulu, Roinah N. ; Nissim, Sara ; Nortvedt, Line ; Oconer-Rubiano, M. F. ; Oter-Quintana, Cristina ; Ozturk, Candan ; Papp, Katalin ; Piratoba-Hernandez, B. ; Rousou, Elena ; Tolentino-Diaz, Maria Ymelda ; Tóthová, Valerie ; Zorba, Akile
14 6-Dec-2019 Συσχέτιση των στάσεων και των αντιλήψεων των επαγγελματιών υγείας σχετικά με τον θάνατο και την φροντίδα ασθενών τελικού σταδίου με την συγχώρεση, την ενσυναίσθηση και την αυτοσυμπόνια Έλληνα, Ιωάννα ; Οικονόμου, Ευανθία ; Μαλλιαρού, Μαρία ; Λαχανά, Ελένη ; Κωνσταντίνου, Μαριάννα ; Ταμανά, Παναγιώτα ; Σαράφης, Παύλος
15 6-Dec-2019 Διερεύνηση συσχέτισης επκοινωνίας και διαχείρισης συγκρούσεων εργαζόμενων σε δημόσιο νοσοκομείο με την επαγγελματική του ικανοποίηση Έλληνα, Ιωάννα ; Σιαπλαούρα, Μάγδα ; Μαλλιαρού, Μαρία ; Λαχανά, Ελένη ; Κωνσταντίνου, Μαριάννα ; Ταμανά, Παναγιώτα ; Σαράφης, Παύλος
16 Oct-2019 Χρήση των διαγνωστικών επιπέδων αναφοράς ως εργαλείο διασφάλισης ποιότητας σε τμήματα αξονικών τομογράφων ελληνικών νοσοκομείων Δούση, Μ. ; Βαρακλιώτη, Αγορίτσα ; Μαλλιαρού, Μαρία ; Σαράφης, Παύλος
17 22-May-2019 Impact of hospital educational environment and occupational stress on burnout among Greek medical residents Tsounis, Andreas ; Malliarou, Maria ; Sergentanis, Theodoros ; Papaefstathiou, Efstathios ; Papaefstathiou, Eirini ; Sarafis, Pavlos
18 Apr-2019 Correlation of euthanasia attitude of physicians with their level of religiosity Malliarou, Maria ; Vourdami, K. ; Kotrotsiou, Styliani ; Paralikas, Theodosios ; Sarafis, Pavlos
19 2019 Translation and validation of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory amongst Greek doctors Papaefstathiou, Efstathios ; Tsounis, Andreas ; Malliarou, Maria ; Sarafis, Pavlos
20 8-Dec-2018 Συγκριτική μελέτη για την επαγγελαμτική ικανοποίηση των νοσηλευτών στα γενικά και στα κλειστά τμήματα ενός δημόσιου νοσοκομείου Έλληνα, Ιωάννα ; Αρμάου, Φραγκίσκα ; Μαλλιαρού, Μαρία ; Κωνσταντίνου, Μαριάννα ; Ταμανά, Παναγιώτα ; Σιαμάγκα, Ελένη ; Σαράφης, Παύλος