| | Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας |
| 1 | 30-Δεκ-2024 | Autism Prevalence Information And Diagnosis Processes In Cyprus, Greece And Malta | Petinou, Kakia ; Vogindroukas, Ioannis ; Christopoulou, Maria |
| 2 | 20-Δεκ-2024 | Autism Prevalence Information And Diagnosis Processes In Cyprus, Greece And Malta | Petinou, Kakia ; Vogindroukas, Ioannis ; Christopoulou, Maria |
| 3 | 9-Σεπ-2024 | Targeting speech intelligibility using phonologically similar targets: a single-case study of dialectal Cypriot-Greek-speaking child with speech sound disorders | Papastefanou, Theodora ; Petinou, Kakia |
| 4 | 30-Αυγ-2024 | Intervention studies with group design targeting expressive phonology for children with developmental speech and language disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Kunnari, Sari ; Chaves, Susana Sanduvete ; Chacon-Moscoso, Salvador ; Alves, Dina Caetano ; Ozbič, Martina ; Petinou, Kakia ; Tolonen, Anna Kaisa ; Zajdo, Krisztina ; Frizelle, Pauline ; Murphy, Carol-Anne ; Saldana, David ; Laasonen, Marja |
| 5 | 19-Ιου-2024 | What is in a name: Taxonomy of speech sound disorders from a cross-linguistic perspective | Petinou, Kakia ; Ttofari, Kerry ; Filippou, Elma |
| 6 | Ιου-2024 | The History of Autism Spectrum Disorders Committee (ASD) | Petinou, Kakia |
| 7 | 27-Μαΐ-2024 | Workshop on linguistic profies and outcomes in late talking toddlers | Petinou, Kakia |
| 8 | 26-Απρ-2024 | Risk Factors for Voice Disorders in Undergraduate Speech Language Pathology Students | Kyriakou, Kyriaki ; Theodorou, Elena ; Petinou, Kakia ; Phinikettos, Ioannis |
| 9 | 1-Ιαν-2024 | Addressing Multicultural and Multilingual Aspects in the Assessment of Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder | Petinou, Kakia ; Christopoulou, Maria ; Antoniou, Kyriakos |
| 10 | 1-Οκτ-2023 | Correction: Global TALES feasibility study: Personal narratives in 10-year-old children around the world | Westerveld, Marleen F ; Lyons, Rena ; Nelson, Nickola Wolf ; Chen, Kai Mei ; Claessen, Mary ; Ferman, Sara ; Fernandes, Fernanda Dreux M ; Gillon, Gail ; Kawar, Khaloob ; Kraljevic, Jelena Kuvac ; Petinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Tumanova, Tatiana ; Vogandroukas, Ioannis ; Westby, Carol |
| 11 | 7-Αυγ-2023 | Plural Suffixation Skills in Developmental Language Disorders: A Preliminary Investigation From Bilectal Cypriot-Greek-Speaking Children With DLD | Petinou, Kakia ; Giannikas, Christina N. ; Papastefanou, Theodora ; Hadjigeorgiou, Lia ; Stamelou, Ioanna |
| 12 | Ιου-2023 | Autism and Cognition in Neurotypical Bidialectals | Antoniou, Kyriakos ; Petinou, Kakia |
| 13 | Μαΐ-2023 | Autistic Traits, Language & Cognition in Bidialectal Individuals | Antoniou, Kyriakos ; Petinou, Kakia |
| 14 | Μαΐ-2023 | Cognitive Ageing in Bidialectalism | Antoniou, Kyriakos ; Petinou, Kakia |
| 15 | 11-Νοε-2022 | Παράγοντες Κινδύνου για την Ανάπτυξη Διαταραχών της Φωνής σε Φοιτητές στον Κλάδο της Λογοθεραπείας | Θεοδώρου, 'Ελενα ; Κυριάκου, Κυριακή ; Πετεινού, Κάκια ; Φοινικέττος, Ιωάννης |
| 16 | 17-Οκτ-2022 | Focus on Issues and Solutions in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) | Petinou, Kakia ; Hus, Yvette ; Segal, Osnat |
| 17 | 17-Οκτ-2022 | The implementation of the 'Testing of Phonological Skills (TOPS)' tool: a computer-based phonological analysis algorithm | Armostis, Spyros ; Petinou, Kakia ; Kyprianou, Anna |
| 18 | 14-Οκτ-2022 | Recent Advances of Telepractice for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Speech and Language Pathology | Christopoulou, Maria ; Drosos, Konstantinos ; Petinou, Kakia |
| 19 | 15-Αυγ-2022 | Global TALES feasibility study: Personal narratives in 10-year-old children around the world | Westerveld, Marleen F ; Lyons, Rena ; Nelson, Nickola Wolf ; Chen, Kai Mei ; Claessen, Mary ; Ferman, Sara ; Fernandes, Fernanda Dreux M ; Gillon, Gail ; Kawar, Khaloob ; Kraljević, Jelena Kuvač ; Petinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Tumanova, Tatiana ; Vogandroukas, Ioannis ; Westby, Carol E |
| 20 | 30-Ιου-2022 | Correlation Between a Self-Voice Assessment and Objective-Voice Evaluation Outcomes in Speech Language Pathology Students | Kyriakou, Kyriaki ; Theodorou, Elena ; Petinou, Kakia ; Phinikettos, Ioannis |