| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 1 | 1-Aug-2023 | “From Gamers into Environmental Citizens”: A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research on Behavior Change Games for Environmental Citizenship | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Adamou, Anastasia | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction |
| 2 | 1-May-2023 | A systematic literature review of K-12 environmental Citizen Science (CS) initiatives: Unveiling the CS pedagogical and participatory aspects contributing to students’ environmental citizenship | Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Adamou, Anastasia ; Georgiou, Yiannis | |
| 3 | 1-Apr-2023 | Fostering Chemistry Students’ Scientific Literacy for Responsible Citizenship through Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning (SSIBL) | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Kyza, Eleni A. | |
| 4 | 31-Mar-2023 | How can we transform citizens into ‘environmental agents of change'? Towards the citizen science for environmental citizenship (CS4EC) theoretical framework based on a meta-synthesis approach | Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Adamou, Anastasia | |
| 5 | 5-Dec-2022 | Green Cities for Environmental Citizenship: A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research from 31 Green Cities of the World | Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Sinakou, Eleni ; Adamou, Anastasia ; Georgiou, Yiannis | Sustainability |
| 6 | 1-Feb-2022 | Evaluating a Novel Learning Intervention Grounded in the Education for Environmental Citizenship Pedagogical Approach: A Case Study from Cyprus | Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Georgiou, Yiannis | Sustainability (Switzerland) |
| 7 | 1-Jan-2022 | The Design of a Postgraduate Vocational Training Programme to Enhance Engineering Graduates' Problem-Solving Skills Through PBL | Miliou, Ourania ; Ioannou, Andri ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Vyrides, Ioannis ; Xekoukoulotakis, Nikos ; Willert, SØren ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Andreou, Panayiotis ; Komnitsas, Konstantinos ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Yiatros, Stylianos | The International Journal of Engineering Education |
| 8 | 1-Dec-2021 | Learning experience design with immersive virtual reality in physics education | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Tsivitanidou, Olia ; Ioannou, Andri | Educational Technology Research and Development |
| 9 | 1-Dec-2021 | Environmental citizen science initiatives as a springboard towards the education for environmental citizenship: A systematic literature review of empirical research | Adamou, Anastasia ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. | |
| 10 | 1-Jul-2021 | A systematic literature review on the participation aspects of environmental and nature-based citizen science initiatives | Vasiliades, Michalis A. ; Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Adamou, Anastasia ; Georgiou, Yiannis | |
| 11 | 1-Mar-2021 | Teachers’ perceptions on environmental citizenship: A systematic review of the literature | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Hadjichambi, Demetra | |
| 12 | Jan-2021 | Bridging narrative and locality in mobile-based augmented reality educational activities: Effects of semantic coupling on students’ immersion and learning gains | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Kyza, Eleni A. | International Journal of Human Computer Studies |
| 13 | Jan-2021 | Developing, Enacting and Evaluating a Learning Experience Design for Technology-Enhanced Embodied Learning in Math Classrooms | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Ioannou, Andri | TechTrends |
| 14 | 2021 | A Learning Experience in Inquiry-Based Physics with Immersive Virtual Reality: Student Perceptions and an Interaction Effect Between Conceptual Gains and Attitudinal Profiles | Tsivitanidou, Olia E. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Ioannou, Andri | Journal of Science Education and Technology |
| 15 | 2021 | A Cross-Sectional Study Investigating Primary School Children’s Coding Practices and Computational Thinking Using ScratchJr | Kyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Agesilaou, Andria ; Souropetsis, Markos | Journal of Educational Computing Research |
| 16 | 2021 | Comparing a digital and a non-digital embodied learning intervention in geometry: can technology facilitate? | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Ioannou, Andri ; Kosma, Panagiotis | Technology, Pedagogy and Education |
| 17 | Dec-2019 | Investigating immersion and learning in a low-embodied versus high-embodied digital educational game: Lessons learned from an implementation in an authentic school classroom | Georgiou, Yiannis ; Ioannou, Andri ; Ioannou, Marianna | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction |
| 18 | 20-Oct-2019 | Promoting RRI and active citizenship in an inquiry-based controversial socio-scientific issue: the case of cholesterol regulation with statins | Hadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Kyza, Eleni A. ; Agesilaou, Andria ; Mappouras, Demetrios G. | Journal of Biological Education |
| 19 | Apr-2019 | Collecting ecologically valid data in location-aware augmented reality settings: A comparison of three data collection techniques | Kyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Souropetsis, Markos ; Agesilaou, Andria | International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning |
| 20 | 17-Feb-2019 | Scaffolding augmented reality inquiry learning: the design and investigation of the TraceReaders location-based, augmented reality platform | Kyza, Eleni A. ; Georgiou, Yiannis | Interactive Learning Environments |