Issue Date Title Author(s) Journal 1 1-Sep-2023 Continuous authentication with feature-level fusion of touch gestures and keystroke dynamics to solve security and usability issues Stylios, Ioannis Chr ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Thanou, Olga ; Kokolakis, Spyros A. Computers and Security
2 Nov-2022 Rethinking Bayesian Learning for Data Analysis: The Art of Prior and Inference in Sparsity-Aware Modeling Cheng, Lei ; Yin, Feng ; Theodoridis, Sergios ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Chang, Tsung-Hui IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
3 20-Oct-2022 Key factors driving the adoption of behavioral biometrics and continuous authentication technology: an empirical research Stylios, Ioannis Chr ; Kokolakis, Spyros A. ; Thanou, Olga ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Information and Computer Security
4 1-Nov-2021 Re-constructing the interbank links using machine learning techniques. An application to the Greek interbank market Petropoulos, Anastasios ; Siakoulis, Vasilis ; Lazaris, Panagiotis ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
5 Sep-2021 Gaussian process-based Bayesian optimization for data-driven unit commitment Nikolaidis, Pavlos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
6 1-Feb-2021 Behavioral biometrics & continuous user authentication on mobile devices: A survey Stylios, Ioannis Chr ; Kokolakis, Spyros A. ; Thanou, Olga ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Information Fusion
7 2021 BioGames: a new paradigm and a behavioral biometrics collection tool for research purposes Stylios, Ioannis Chr ; Kokolakis, Spyros A. ; Skalkos, Andreas ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Information and Computer Security
8 Nov-2020 Optimal planning of electricity storage to minimize operating reserve requirements in an isolated island grid Nikolaidis, Pavlos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Poullikkas, Andreas Energy Systems
9 5-Jan-2020 Gated Mixture Variational Autoencoders for Value Added Tax audit case selection Kleanthous, Christos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Knowledge-Based Systems
10 14-Sep-2019 Life cycle cost analysis of electricity storage facilities in flexible power systems Nikolaidis, Pavlos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Poullikkas, Andreas International Journal of Sustainable Energy
11 May-2019 A Data-Driven Bandwidth Allocation Framework with QoS Considerations for EONs Panayiotou, Tania ; Manousakis, Konstantinos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Ellinas, Georgios Journal of Lightwave Technology
12 21-Apr-2019 Renewable energy integration through optimal unit commitment and electricity storage in weak power networks Nikolaidis, Pavlos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Poullikkas, Andreas International Journal of Sustainable Energy
13 25-Dec-2018 t-Exponential Memory Networks for Question-Answering Machines Tolias, Kyriakos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems
14 1-Dec-2018 Forecasting stock market crisis events using deep and statistical machine learning techniques Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Siakoulis, Vassilis ; Petropoulos, Anastasios ; Stavroulakis, Evangelos ; Vlachogiannakis, Nikos Expert systems with applications
15 27-Oct-2018 Latent subspace modeling of sequential data under the maximum entropy discrimination framework Chatzis, Sotirios P. Neurocomputing
16 15-May-2018 Deep learning with t-exponential Bayesian kitchen sinks Partaourides, Harris ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Expert systems with applications
17 Mar-2018 Leveraging Statistical Machine Learning to Address Failure Localization in Optical Networks Panayiotou, Tania ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Ellinas, Georgios Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
18 30-Dec-2017 A stacked generalization system for automated FOREX portfolio trading Petropoulos, Anastasios ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Siakoulis, Vasilis ; Vlachogiannakis, Nikos Expert systems with applications
19 Jan-2017 Performance analysis of a data-driven quality-of-transmission decision approach on a dynamic multicast- capable metro optical network Panayiotou, Tania ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Ellinas, Georgios Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
20 1-Dec-2016 Software defect prediction using doubly stochastic Poisson processes driven by stochastic belief networks Andreou, Andreas S. ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. Journal of Systems and Software