Journals Journal of Optical Communications and Networking

Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
Computer science
The scope of the Journal includes advances in the state-of-the-art of optical networking science, technology, and engineering. Both theoretical contributions (including new techniques, concepts, analyses, and economic studies) and practical contributions (including optical networking experiments, prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged. Subareas of interest include the architecture and design of optical networks, optical network survivability and security, software-defined optical networking, elastic optical networks, data and control plane advances, network management related innovation, and optical access networks. Enabling technologies and their applications are suitable topics only if the results are shown to directly impact optical networking beyond simple point-to-point networks.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Optical Society of America
Journal type
Subscription Journal

Journals Publications

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Mar-2018Leveraging Statistical Machine Learning to Address Failure Localization in Optical NetworksPanayiotou, Tania ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Ellinas, Georgios 
2Jan-2017Performance analysis of a data-driven quality-of-transmission decision approach on a dynamic multicast- capable metro optical networkPanayiotou, Tania ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Ellinas, Georgios