Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

StatusTitleTypeAuthor(s)Issue DateAcademic Year
1CompletedAnswering Open domain questions by respecting Power Law artifactsMSc ThesisMichael, Stavros May-20192018-2019
2CompletedBayesian inference techniques for Deep LearningPhD ThesisPartaourides, Charalampos Jan-20182018-2019
3CompletedDeep Transformer Neural Networks with Stochastic CompetitionPhD ThesisVoskou, Andreas Apr-20242023-2024
4CompletedInformation-Theoretic Local Competition and Stochasticity for Deep LearningPhD ThesisAntoniadis, Anastasios Mar-20222021-2022
5CompletedMathematical and Bayesian Inference Strategies for Optimal Unit Commitment in Modern Power SystemsPhD ThesisNikolaidis, Pavlos Sep-20192019-2020
6CompletedNatural Language Processing with Deep Neural NetworksPhD ThesisTolias, Kyriakos Dec-20202020-2021
7CompletedA probability control and statistical modeling study for the feasibility of large-scale implementation of Seebeck-Peltier modules in ship claddingPhD ThesisArmenakis, Yiannis 2022empty
8CompletedRobust Financial Crime Detection in Big Data via Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning TechniquesPhD ThesisKleanthous, Christos Feb-20212020-2021
9CompletedStochastic Deep Networks with Linear Competing Units for Transfer LearningPhD ThesisKalais, Konstantinos Jan-20242023-2024