Cyprus International Institute of Management

Organization name
Cyprus International Institute of Management

Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Apr-2011Strategic decision-making processes in internationalization: Does national culture of the focal firm matter?Dimitratos, Pavlos ; Petrou, Andreas ; Plakoyiannaki, Emmanuella ; Johnson, Jeffrey E. Journal of World Business 
21-Mar-2006Special Issue of ‘Maritime Economics and Logistics’ MELPanayides, Photis Maritime Economics and Logistics 
324-Feb-2006Special issue of 'maritime economics and logistics' MEL theme of special issue: Maritime logistics and global supply chainsKumar, Sashi ; Cullinane, Kevin P B ; Heaver, Trevor ; Robinson, Ross ; Everett, Sophia ; Panayides, Photis ; Baird, Alfred ; Van De Voorde, Eddy ; Wang, Teng Fei ; Brooks, Mary ; De Langen, Peter Maritime Economics and Logistics 
4Dec-2008Propensity to export and effects on cluster development: A comparative study of the Cyprus and Greek solar thermal clustersPetrou, Andreas ; Maxoulis, Christos N. ; Haralambous, Harris World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 
53-Sep-2007Multinational banks from developing versus developed countries: Competing in the same arena?Petrou, Andreas Journal of International Management 
61-Mar-2004Marketing in Asia-Pacific logistics companies: A discriminant analysis between marketing orientation and performancePanayides, Photis Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
718-Aug-2006Maritime policy, management and research : role and potentialPanayides, Photis Maritime Policy and Management 
824-Feb-2006Maritime logistics and global supply chains: towards a research agendaPanayides, Photis Maritime Economics and Logistics 
9May-2005Logistics service provider–client relationshipsSo, Meko ; Panayides, Photis Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 
10Jan-2005Key organizational and HR factors for rapid technology assimilationKontoghiorghes, Constantine Organization Development Journal 
111-Mar-2006International market success among smaller agri-food companies: some case study evidenceIbeh, Kevin I.N. ; Ibrahim, Essam ; Panayides, Photis International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 
12Jan-2007The impact of organizational learning on relationship orientation, logistics service effectiveness and performancePanayides, Photis Industrial Marketing Management 
1322-Apr-2005The impact of integrated logistics relationships on third-party logistics service quality and performanceSo, Meko ; Panayides, Photis Maritime Economics and Logistics 
142008Global supply chain and port/terminal: integration and competitivenessSong, Dongwook ; Panayides, Photis Maritime Policy and Management 
15Oct-2009Foreign Market Entry Strategies in Retail Banking: Choosing an Entry Mode in a Landscape of ConstraintsPetrou, Andreas Long Range Planning 
1622-Jun-2005Examining the relationship between learning organization characteristics and change adaptation, innovation, and organizational performanceKontoghiorghes, Constantine ; Awbrey, Susan M. ; Feurig, Pamela L. Human Resource Development Quarterly 
171-Oct-2006Enhancing innovation capability through relationship management and implications for performancePanayides, Photis European Journal of Innovation Management 
18Jun-2007Cyprus solar water heating cluster: A missed opportunity?Maxoulis, Christos N. ; Charalampous, Harris P. ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. Energy Policy 
19Oct-2005Causes of casualties and the regulation of occupational health and safety in the shipping industryPanayides, Photis ; Nielsen, Detlef WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs