| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 1 | Apr-2008 | Workload prediction for improved design and reliability of complex systems | Gregoriades, Andreas ; Sutcliffe, Alistair G. | Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
| 2 | 11-Nov-2021 | What influences people's responses to public health messages for managing risks and preventing infectious diseases? A rapid systematic review of the evidence and recommendations | Ghio, Daniela ; Lawes-Wickwar, Sadie ; Tang, Mei Yee ; Epton, Tracy ; Howlett, Neil ; Jenkinson, Elizabeth ; Stanescu, Sabina ; Westbrook, Juliette ; Kassianos, Angelos P. ; Watson, Daniella ; Sutherland, Lisa ; Stanulewicz, Natalia ; Guest, Ella ; Scanlan, Daniel ; Carr, Natalie ; Chater, Angel ; Hotham, Sarah ; Thorneloe, Rachael ; Armitage, Christopher J. ; Arden, Madelynne ; Hart, Jo ; Byrne-Davis, Lucie ; Keyworth, Christopher | BMJ open |
| 3 | Oct-2019 | Weight gain following treatment of hyperthyroidism-A forgotten tale | Kyriacou, Angelos ; Kyriacou, Alexis ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Syed, Akheel A. ; Perros, Petros | Clinical Obesity |
| 4 | Feb-1996 | Visualising what patients see as emotions in faces | Lanitis, Andreas ; Whittaker, J.F. ; Deakin, J.F.W. ; Cootes, Timothy F. ; Taylor, Chris J. | Schizophrenia Research |
| 5 | 2021 | Utilising a systematic review-based approach to create a database of individual participant data for meta- and network meta-analyses: the RELEASE database of aphasia after stroke | Williams, Louise R. ; Ali, Myzoon ; VandenBerg, Kathryn ; Williams, Linda J. ; Abo, Masahiro ; Becker, Frank ; Bowen, Audrey ; Brandenburg, Caitlin ; Breitenstein, Caterina ; Bruehl, Stefanie ; Copland, David A. ; Cranfill, Tamara B. ; Di Pietro-Bachmann, Marie ; Enderby, Pamela ; Fillingham, Joanne ; Galli, Federica Lucia ; Gandolfi, Marialuisa ; Glize, Bertrand ; Godecke, Erin ; Hawkins, Neil ; Hilari, Katerina ; Hinckley, Jacqueline ; Horton, Simon ; Howard, David ; Jaecks, Petra ; Jefferies, Elizabeth ; Jesus, Luis M. T. ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Kang, Eun Kyoung ; Khedr, Eman M. ; Kong, Anthony Pak-Hin ; Kukkonen, Tarja ; Laganaro, Marina ; Lambon Ralph, Matthew A. ; Laska, Ann Charlotte ; Leemann, Beatrice ; Leff, Alexander P. ; Ribeiro Lima, Roxele ; Lorenz, Antje ; MacWhinney, Brian ; Marshall, Rebecca Shisler ; Mattioli, Flavia ; Mavis, İlknur ; Meinzer, Marcus ; Nilipour, Reza ; Noe, Enrique ; Paik, Nam Jong ; Palmer, Rebecca ; Papathanasiou, Ilias ; Patricio, Brigida F. ; Martins, Isabel Pavao ; Price, Cathy ; Jakovac, Tatjana Prizl ; Rochon, Elizabeth ; Rose, Miranda L. ; Rosso, Charlotte ; Rubi-Fessen, Ilona ; Ruiter, Marina B. ; Snell, Claerwen ; Stahl, Benjamin ; Szaflarski, Jerzy P. ; Thomas, Shirley A. ; Van de Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke ; Van der Meulen, Ineke ; Visch-Brink, Evy ; Worrall, Linda ; Wright, Heather Harris ; Brady, Marian C. | Aphasiology |
| 6 | 5-Sep-2024 | Using Task Support Requirements during Socio-Technical Systems Design | Gregoriades, Andreas ; Sutcliffe, Alistair G. | Systems |
| 7 | 11-Nov-2011 | Temporal changes in the prevalence of childhood asthma and allergies in urban and rural areas of Cyprus: results from two cross sectional studies | Middleton, Nicos ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Nicolaou, Nicolaos C. ; Pipis, Spiros D. ; Priftis, Kostas N. ; Milton, Donald Kirby ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. | BMC Public Health |
| 8 | Dec-2021 | Supporting digital content marketing and messaging through topic modelling and decision trees | Gregoriades, Andreas ; Pampaka, Maria ; Herodotou, Herodotos ; Christodoulou, Evripides | Expert systems with applications |
| 9 | Jun-2020 | SuperCLASS -- I. The Super CLuster Assisted Shear Survey: Project overview and Data Release 1 | Battye, Richard A. ; Brown, Michael L. ; Casey, Caitlin M. ; Harrison, Ian ; Jackson, Neal J.F. ; Smail, Ian R. ; Watson, Robert A. ; Hales, Christopher A. ; Manning, Sinclaire M. ; Hung, Chao-Ling ; Riseley, Christopher John ; Abdalla, Fillipe Batoni ; Birkinshaw, Mark ; Demetroullas, Constantinos ; Chapman, Scott ; Beswick, Robert J. ; Muxlow, Thomas W.B. ; Bonaldi, Anna ; Camera, Stefano ; Hillier, Tom ; Kay, Scott T. ; Peters, Aaron ; Sanders, David B. ; Thomas, Daniel B. ; Thomson, Alasdair P. ; Tunbridge, Ben ; Whittaker, Lee | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
| 10 | Jun-2020 | SuperCLASS - III. Weak lensing from radio and optical observations in Data Release 1 | Harrison, Ian ; Brown, Michael L. ; Tunbridge, Ben ; Thomas, Daniel B. ; Hillier, Tom ; Thomson, A. P. ; Whittaker, Lee ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Battye, Richard A. ; Bonaldi, Anna ; Camera, Stefano ; Casey, Caitlin M. ; Demetroullas, Constantinos ; Hales, Christopher A. ; Jackson, Neal J. ; Kay, Scott T. ; Manning, Sinclaire M. ; Peters, Aaron ; Riseley, Christopher J. ; Watson, Robert A. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
| 11 | Jun-2020 | SuperCLASS - II. Photometric redshifts and characteristics of spatially resolved mu Jy radio sources | Manning, Sinclaire M. ; Casey, Caitlin M. ; Hung, Chao-Ling ; Battye, Richard A. ; Brown, Michael L. ; Jackson, Neal ; Abdalla, Filipe B. ; Chapman, Scott ; Demetroullas, Constantinos ; Drew, Patrick ; Hales, Christopher A. ; Harrison, Ian ; Riseley, Christopher J. ; Sanders, David B. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
| 12 | Mar-1998 | Statistical models of face images--improving specificity | Edwards, Gareth J. ; Taylor, Chris J. ; Cootes, Timothy F. ; Lanitis, Andreas | Image and Vision Computing |
| 13 | 2009 | Spillovers and correlations between US and major European stock markets: The role of the euro | Savva, Christos S. ; Osborn, Denise R. ; Gill, Len | Applied Financial Economics |
| 14 | 2008 | A socio-technical approach to business process simulation | Gregoriades, Andreas ; Sutcliffe, Alistair G. | Decision Support Systems |
| 15 | 3-Jul-2018 | Simulation-based evaluation of an in-vehicle smart situation awareness enhancement system | Gregoriades, Andreas ; Sutcliffe, Alistair G. | Ergonomics |
| 16 | 2016 | Short-horizon event study estimation with a STAR model and real contaminated events | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Savva, Christos S. | Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting |
| 17 | Oct-2018 | A scoping review of trials of interventions led or delivered by cancer nurses | Charalambous, Andreas ; Wells, Mary ; Campbell, Pauline ; Torrens, Claire ; Östlund, Ulrika ; Oldenmenger, Wendy ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Sharp, Lena ; Nohavova, Iveta ; Domenech-Climent, Nuria ; Eicher, Manuela ; Farrell, Carole ; Larsson, Maria ; Olsson, Cecilia ; Simpson, Mhairi ; Wiseman, Theresa ; Kelly, Daniel | International Journal of Nursing Studies |
| 18 | 2020 | RELEASE: a protocol for a systematic review based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis, of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia | Brady, Marian C. ; Ali, Myzoon ; VandenBerg, Kathryn ; Williams, Linda J. ; Williams, Louise R. ; Abo, Masahiro ; Becker, Frank ; Bowen, Audrey ; Brandenburg, Caitlin ; Breitenstein, Caterina ; Bruehl, Stefanie ; Copland, David A. ; Cranfill, Tamara B. ; Di Pietro-Bachmann, Marie ; Enderby, Pamela ; Fillingham, Joanne ; Galli, Federica Lucia ; Gandolfi, Marialuisa ; Glize, Bertrand ; Godecke, Erin ; Hawkins, Neil ; Hilari, Katerina ; Hinckley, Jacqueline ; Horton, Simon ; Howard, David ; Jaecks, Petra ; Jefferies, Elizabeth ; Jesus, Luis M. T. ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Kang, Eun Kyoung ; Khedr, Eman M. ; Kong, Anthony Pak-Hin ; Kukkonen, Tarja ; Laganaro, Marina ; Ralph, Matthew A. Lambon ; Laska, Ann Charlotte ; Leemann, Beatrice ; Leff, Alexander P. ; Lima, Roxele R. ; Lorenz, Antje ; Whinney, Brian Mac ; Marshall, Rebecca Shisler ; Mattioli, Flavia ; Mavis, İlknur ; Meinzer, Marcus ; Nilipour, Reza ; Noe, Enrique ; Papathanasiou, Ilias ; Patricio, Brigida F. ; Martins, Isabel Pavao ; Price, Cathy ; Jakovac, Tatjana Prizl ; Rochon, Elizabeth ; Rose, Miranda L. ; Rosso, Charlotte ; Rubi-Fessen, Ilona ; Ruiter, Marina B. ; Snell, Claerwen ; Stahl, Benjamin ; Szaflarski, Jerzy P. ; Thomas, Shirley A. ; Van de Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke ; Van der Meulen, Ineke ; Visch-Brink, Evy ; Worrall, Linda ; Wright, Heather Harris | Aphasiology |
| 19 | 20-Jan-2019 | Reflecting on the Design Process for Virtual Reality Applications | Sutcliffe, Alistair G. ; Poullis, Charalambos ; Gregoriades, Andreas ; Katsouri, Irene ; Tzanavari, Aimilia ; Herakleous, Kyriakos | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction |
| 20 | 1-Sep-2016 | Ratings of age of acquisition of 299 words across 25 languages: Is there a cross-linguistic order of words? | Łuniewska, Magdalena ; Haman, Ewa ; Armon-Lotem, Sharon ; Etenkowski, Bartłomiej ; Southwood, Frenette ; Anđelković, Darinka ; Blom, Elma ; Boerma, Tessel ; Chiat, Shula ; de Abreu, Pascale Engel ; Gagarina, Natalia ; Gavarró, Anna ; Håkansson, Gisela ; Hickey, Tina ; de López, Kristine Jensen ; Marinis, Theodoros ; Popović, Maša ; Thordardottir, Elin ; Blažienė, Agnė ; Sánchez, Myriam Cantú ; Dabašinskienė, Ineta ; Ege, Pınar ; Ehret, Inger-Anne ; Fritsche, Nelly-Ann ; Gatt, Daniela ; Janssen, Bibi ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Kapalková, Svetlana ; Kronqvist, Bjarke ; Kunnari, Sari ; Levorato, Chiara ; Nenonen, Olga ; Fhlannchadha, Siobhán Nic ; O'Toole, Ciara ; Polišenská, Kamila ; Pomiechowska, Barbara ; Ringblom, Natalia ; Rinker, Tanja ; Roch, Maja ; Savić, Maja ; Slančová, Daniela ; Tsimpli, Ianthi Maria ; Ünal-Logacev, Özlem | Behavior research methods |