Events Academy of Marketing Conference

Conference title
Academy of Marketing Conference

Events Publications

Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12024Supply chain order fulfillment efficiency: Its drivers, moderators and performance outcomesLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Palihawadana, Dayananda ; Eteokleous, Pantelitsa P. ; Nalmpanti, Athanasia ; Christodoulides, Paul 
26-Jul-2023Frustration and Disclosure Decision-Making: Over-Disclosure or Clam-up?Themistocleous, Christos 
35-Jul-2023Airport Environment and its influence on Traveller Emotions, Perceived Quality and RevisitYerimou, Pantelitsa ; Themistocleous, Christos 
4Jul-2017Emotional intelligence as a facilitator of long-term orientation in export-importer relationshipsLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Aygol, Bilge ; Fotiadis, Thomas A. ; Christodoulides, Paul 
5Jul-2014Tourist environmental attitude and behavior: antecedents, moderators, and outcomesLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Coudounaris, Dafnis N. ; Kvasova, Olga ; Christodoulides, Paul 
62014Achievement-Based Celebrities As Objects & Instruments Of ConsumptionZarkada, Anna K. ; Tzoumaka, Eugenia ; Siomkos, George ; Panigyrakis, George G. 
72012Internal and external drivers of green export business strategy: their impact on competitive advantage and performanceLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Katsikeas, Constantine S. ; Fotiades, Thomas A. ; Christodoulides, Paul 
81999The relationship between market orientation, good corporate citizenship and customer loyaltyZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
91999A cross-cultural analysis of the marketing related elements of retail store managers' performanceZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
101998Personal factors affecting behavioural intent towards illegal marketing practicesZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell