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Title: Separation and recovery of proteins and sugars from Halloumi cheese whey
Authors: Galanakis, Charis M. 
Chasiotis, Stathis 
Botsaris, George 
Gekas, Vassilis 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Χασιώτης, Στάθης
Μπότσαρης, Γιώργος
Γκέκας, Βασίλης
Major Field of Science: Agricultural Sciences
Field Category: Animal and Dairy Science
Keywords: Lactose;Membrane;Nanofiltration;Protein;Ultrafiltration;Whey
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2014
Source: Food Research International, 2014, vol. 65, no. PC, pp. 477-483
Volume: 65
Issue: PC
Start page: 477
End page: 483
Journal: Food Research International 
Abstract: Halloumi is the traditional cheese of Cyprus that is produced using typically two processes: milk coagulation and pressed curd cooking. Both processes generate two whey substrates rich in proteins and sugars. The scope of the current study is to investigate the separation and recovery of these compounds by processing samples with a cross-flow ultrafiltration module and five membranes in two sequential steps. Three membranes (100, 50 and 20. kDa) were tested in the first scenario and 20. kDa-permeates were assayed in the second using the two materials with narrower pores of 2 and 1. kDa. Experiments were conducted under constant temperature, circulation flux and several transmembrane pressures, while recovery monitoring was performed by determining operation parameters and retention of proteins, reducing and non-reducing sugars. Results indicated that ultrafiltration is able to separate the target compounds optimally upon two different approaches: using a 100. kDa-polysulphone barrier or by combining 20. kDa-polysulphone and 2. kDa-polyethersulphone membranes. The recovery of proteins in the first approach was high for both samples (69-76%), while the retention of non-reducing sugars (herein expressed mainly lactose) was negligible (2-7%). Using the combined treatment, the recovery of proteins and non-reducing sugars was almost quantitative (87-90%) and rather low (39-32%), respectively.
ISSN: 09639969
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2014.03.060
Rights: © Elsevier
Type: Article
Affiliation : Chemical Analytical Laboratories “Galanakis” 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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