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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 300
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Mar-2022Traduerumori - Video ArtChristidis, Yiannis 
3-Jul-2024From the Series Exercises of Elasticity, 2017-now, Proposition VII: Warriors of the Great God/The SunPericleous, Vicky 
15-Nov-2024«10cc» (10 Curating Caring)Pericleous, Vicky 
16-Dec-2024Ο χώρος μου του άλλουPericleous, Vicky 
20-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECT: SymposiumPericleous, Vicky 
19-Nov-2024Post-human Radio: Project InstallationKoutsomichalis, Marinos 
Jan-2025TravellinkPanayides, Omiros 
2024Unleash the DismissedPanayides, Omiros 
18-Jan-2025Type me a type specimenPanayides, Omiros 
26-Jun-2024Visual Narratives of Conflict: Exploring the theme of war in Poster Design: Insights from the 2nd Cyprus Poster TriennialPanayides, Omiros ; Xinaris, Savvas 
16-Dec-2024Ο χώρος μου του άλλουPericleous, Vicky 
4-May-2022Wounds - A Video InstallationChristidis, Yiannis 
8-Oct-2022Radination - Video InstallationChristidis, Yiannis 
18-Dec-2024Miracolo - A sound installationChristidis, Yiannis 
May-2024EKO 9 Triennial of Art and EnvironmentKyprianidou, Efi 
Mar-2024Empathy and the Arts: Connecting Humanity with Nature and BeyondKyprianidou, Efi 
29-May-2024Land[e]scapes (part II), International Group Exhibition, curated by Maria StathiPericleous, Vicky 
21-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECT - WorkshopPericleous, Vicky ; Maragaki, Eva ; Nottas, Marios ; Sysalova, Julia ; Savva, Andreas 
20-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECTPericleous, Vicky ; Maragaki, Eva ; Nottas, Marios ; Sysalova, Julia 
20-Nov-2024Από τη Σειρά: Εξωτισμοί και Άλλες Πράξεις, 2006- σήμερα: Το Σκίρτημα, 2011, Βίκυ Περικλέους, τύπωμα στην εφημερίδα Νέος Κυπριακός Φύλαξ, Τετάρτη 26 Μαρτίου 1941, χρωματιστό μολύβι, μέγεθος έργου ακολουθεί τις διαστάσεις της εφημερίδας From the Series: Exoticisms and Other Acts, 2006 – today: The Excitement, 2011, Vicky Pericleous, print on Neos Kypriakos Filax Newspaper, Wednesday 26 March 1941, coloured pencils size: varies according to the size of the newspaperPericleous, Vicky 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 300