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Η εν λόγω κατηγορία αφορά κυρίως τα τμήματα της Σχολής Καλών και Εφαρμοσμένων Τεχνών και περιλαμβάνει την δημιουργία επιστημονικού/ καλλιτεχνικού έργου.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 311
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Nov-2024The 5th International Conference on Semiotics of Culture & Visual CommunicationMouzouropoulos, Theseas 
5-Sep-2024The 5th International Conference on Semiotics of Culture & Visual CommunicationMouzouropoulos, Theseas 
24-Jun-2024There is no Planet BPanayides, Angelos 
24-Jun-2024typo/graphic days 8Panayides, Angelos 
24-Jun-2024ProtoType PosterPanayides, Angelos 
24-Jun-2024typo/graphic days 7Panayides, Angelos 
2024There is no Planet BPanayides, Angelos 
2024Earth2.0Panayides, Angelos 
2024ProtoType PosterPanayides, Angelos 
2024typo/graphic days 8Panayides, Angelos 
4-Nov-2024Helping handsPanayides, Angelos 
15-Mar-2022Traduerumori - Video ArtChristidis, Yiannis 
3-Jul-2024From the Series Exercises of Elasticity, 2017-now, Proposition VII: Warriors of the Great God/The SunPericleous, Vicky 
15-Nov-2024«10cc» (10 Curating Caring)Pericleous, Vicky 
16-Dec-2024Ο χώρος μου του άλλουPericleous, Vicky 
20-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECT: SymposiumPericleous, Vicky 
19-Nov-2024Post-human Radio: Project InstallationKoutsomichalis, Marinos 
Jan-2025TravellinkPanayides, Omiros 
2024Unleash the DismissedPanayides, Omiros 
18-Jan-2025Type me a type specimenPanayides, Omiros 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 311