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Title: Low-dimensional nano-patterned surface fabricated by direct-write UV-chemically induced geometric inscription technique
Authors: Allsop, Thomas P. 
Neal, Ronald 
Kundrát, Vojtěch 
Wang, C. 
Mou, Chengbo 
Culverhouse, Phil 
Ania-Castanon, J. D. 
Kalli, Kyriacos 
Webb, David J. 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Information Engineering
Keywords: Laser materials processing;Optical fiber fabrication;Optical fibers;Plasmonics
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2019
Source: Optics Letters, 2019, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 195-198
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Start page: 195
End page: 198
Journal: Optics Letters 
Abstract: We investigate a nano-patterning process which creates reproducible periodic surface topological features that range in size from ∼100  μm to ∼20  μm. Specifically, we have fabricated multi-layered thin films consisting of germanium/silicon strata on a planar substrate, with each layer having nanometers thickness. The material processing exploits focused 244 nm ultra-violet laser light and an opto-mechanical setup typically applied to the inscription of fiber gratings, and is based upon the well-known material compaction interaction of ultra-violet light with germanium oxides. We show this process can be extended to create arrays of metal nano-antennas by adding a metal overlay to the thin film. This results in arrays with dimensions that span nanometer- to centimeter-length scales. Also, each nano-antenna consists of "nano-blocks." Experimental data are presented that show the UV irradiance dosage used to create these metal nanostructures on D-shaped optical fibers has a direct relationship to their transmission spectral characteristics as plasmonic devices.
ISSN: 15394794
DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.000195
Rights: © Optical Society of America
Type: Article
Affiliation : Aston University 
University of Plymouth 
Shanghai University 
Instituto de Óptica “Daza de Valdés” 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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