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Title: Characterization and botanical differentiation of monofloral and multifloral honeys produced in Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt using physicochemical parameter analysis and mineral content in conjunction with supervised statistical techniques
Authors: Karabagias, Ioannis K. 
Louppis, Artemis P. 
Kontakos S., Stavros 
Drouza, Chryssoula 
Papastephanou, Chara 
Major Field of Science: Agricultural Sciences
Field Category: Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
Keywords: Geographical discrimination;Spanish honeys;Turkish honeys;Thyme honeys;Origin;Chemometrics;Antioxidant;Pine
Issue Date: 5-Jun-2018
Source: Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2018, vol. 2018
Volume: 2018
Journal: Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 
Abstract: Thirty-four honey samples donated by beekeepers and purchased from supermarkets were collected during harvesting years 2010-2014 from Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt. The aims of this study were to characterize honey samples and, if possible, to differentiate honeys according to the honey type on the basis of physicochemical parameter values, mineral content, and their combination using supervised statistical techniques (linear discriminant analysis (LDA)). Physicochemical parameters (colour, pH, free acidity, total dissolved solids, salinity, electrical conductivity, and moisture content) were determined according to official methods, while minerals (Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Si, Ti, Tl, V, and Zn) using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The majority of honey samples analyzed met the quality criteria set by the European directive and national decision related to honey. Implementation of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and LDA on specific physicochemical parameters, minerals, or their combination provided a satisfactory classification of honeys according to floral type. The overall correct classification rate (based on the cross-validation method) was 79.4% using 7 minerals and 91.2% using 8 physicochemical parameters. When the 15 parameters were combined, the classification rate of Egyptian honeys was improved by 25%.
ISSN: 20908865
DOI: 10.1155/2018/7698251
Rights: © Ioannis K. Karabagias et al.
Type: Article
Affiliation : University of Ioannina 
Cp Foodlab Ltd. 
Democritus University of Thrace 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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