
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Jun-2021Mixed legume systems of pea protein and unrefined lentil fraction: Textural properties and microstructureJohansson, Mathias ; Xanthakis, Epameinondas ; Langton, Maud ; Menzel, Carolin ; Vilaplana, Francisco ; Johansson, Daniel P. ; Lopez-Sanchez, Patricia LWT-Food Science and Technology 
21-Oct-2020Bolus rheology and ease of swallowing of particulated semi-solid foods as evaluated by an elderly panelBen Tobin, Aarti ; Mihnea, Mihaela ; Hildenbrand, Marie ; Miljkovic, Ana ; Garrido-Bañuelos, Gonzalo ; Xanthakis, Epameinondas ; Lopez-Sanchez, Patricia Food & Function