Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
120-Jun-2023Quantitative experimental L2 acquisition MALL studies: A critical evaluation of research qualityBurston, Jack ; Athanasiou, Androulla ; Giannakou, Konstantinos ReCALL 
22023Qualitative Experimental L2 Acquisition MALL studies: A Critical Evaluation of Research Design QualityAthanasiou, Androulla ; Burston, Jack ; Giannakou, Konstantinos ReCALL 
32021MALL language learning outcomes: A comprehensive meta-analysis 1994-2019Burston, Jack ; Giannakou, Konstantinos ReCALL 
42021Meeting the challenges of research bibliography in MALLBurston, Jack Computer Assisted Language Learning 
53-Mar-2020Effect of student team achievement division through WebQuest on EFL students’ argumentative writing skills and their instructors’ perceptionsAwada, Ghada ; Burston, Jack ; Ghannage, Rosie Computer Assisted Language Learning 
6Jun-2019LearningBranchBurston, Jack Language Learning & Technology 
72018Looking for a needle in a haystack: Call and advanced language proficiencyBurston, Jack ; Arispe, Kelly CALICO Journal 
8Jan-2017ReLAnpro BYOLL (Bring your own language lab)Burston, Jack CALICO Journal 
92017Making it personal: performance-based assessments, ubiquitous technology, and advanced learnersArispe, Kelly ; Burston, Jack Language Learning & Technology 
102017MALL: Global prospects and local implementationBurston, Jack CALL-EJ 
112016Developing and implementing a computer-adaptive test for english: The SLUPE experienceBurston, Jack CALL-EJ 
12Jun-2015Review of mobile learning: Languages, literacies, and culturesBurston, Jack Language Learning & Technology 
13Jan-2015Twenty years of MALL project implementation: A meta-analysis of learning outcomesBurston, Jack ReCALL 
14Jun-2014MALL: The pedagogical challengesBurston, Jack Computer Assisted Language Learning 
152013Mobile-assisted language learning: A selected annotated bibliography of implementation studies 1994-2012Burston, Jack Language Learning & Technology