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Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
Exploitation of Origanum dictamnus oil for the preservation of fresh produce against Botrytis cinerea1st UniFood ConferenceInvited speaker05-10-2018Belgrade
Medicinal and aromatic plants essential oils, hydrosols and their main component for the preservation of fresh producethe (B-Fost) 3rd Black Sea Association of Food Science and Technology Congress, 13-15 December 2023, Belgrade, Serbia.invited speaker13-12-2023
Storage conditions of medicinal/aromatic plants and use of essential oils and hydrosol as an alternative natural postharvest sanitation meanconference at "Natural Product Chemistry and Drug Discovery", at Shanghai, China,invited speaker29-12-2023
Storage condition of MAP and alternative use of essential oils and hydrosol as an alternative natural postharvest sanitation meanInternational Workshop on traditional medicines : A sustainable lifestyle towards climate changeInvited Speaker14-07-2022
Storage conditions of medicinal/aromatic plants and use of essential oils and hydrosol as an alternative natural postharvest sanitation mean.Annual Meeting/Conference of Pan-Balkan Alliance of Natural Products and Drug Discovery Associations PANDA AllianceInvited Speaker29-11-2023Shanghai, China.
interview to Chinese multimedia regarding the Science and Sustainable Environment at the WYSS2024 forumThe World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS)Special guest (VIP) from Chinese Academy of Science and PANDA, for the World Young Scientist Summit WYSS 202415-11-2024Wenzhou, China
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants intercropping with grapevines and effects of drought stress conditionsTHE FIFTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE PAN-BALKAN ALLIANCE OF NATURAL PRODUCTS AND DRUG DISCOVERY ASSOCIATIONS (PANDAInvited Speaker22-10-2024Belgrade, Serbia