| | Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας |
| 1 | Απρ-2023 | Production of Sentential Negation in German and Italian Non-fluent Aphasia | Fyndanis, Valantis ; Miceli, Gabriele ; Capasso, Rita ; Killmer, Helene ; Malefaki, Sonia ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 2 | 8-Οκτ-2021 | Assignment of Grammatical Gender in Heritage Greek | Karayiannis, Demetris ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Alexiadou, Artemis |
| 3 | 26-Φεβ-2021 | On "free" grammatical variation in a mixed lect: Clitic placement in Cypriot Greek | Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Leivada, Evelina ; Pavlou, Natalia |
| 4 | 2021 | Foundational Issues in Biolinguistics | Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Kambanaros, Maria |
| 5 | 13-Σεπ-2020 | (Meta)linguistic abilities of bilectal educators: the case of Cyprus | Leivada, Evelina ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Taxitari, Loukia ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 6 | 12-Σεπ-2019 | Narrative skills in Russian-Greek Cypriot bilingual children | Karpava, Sviatlana ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 7 | 20-Απρ-2019 | Linguistic Impairment Profiles in Four Post-Stroke Aphasia Case Studies: Exploring the Role of Dialectal Micro-Variation | Karayiannis, Demetris ; Georgiou, Anastasios M. ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Kambanaros, Maria |
| 8 | 2019 | Interpretation of compound words by Greek-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder plus language impairment (ASD-LI) | Kambanaros, Maria ; Christou, Nikoletta ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 9 | 24-Σεπ-2018 | Editorial: Developmental, Modal, and Pathological Variation-Linguistic and Cognitive Profiles for Speakers of Linguistically Proximal Languages and Varieties | Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Leivada, Evelina |
| 10 | 30-Μαΐ-2018 | Assessment and treatment of vocabulary deficits in a multilingual child with SLI | Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 11 | 28-Μαΐ-2018 | Comprehension and definition of compound words in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) | Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 12 | 6-Δεκ-2017 | Sentence repetition as a tool for screening morphosyntactic abilities of bilectal children with SLI | Theodorou, Eleni ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 13 | 20-Νοε-2017 | Early language development in a bilectal context: the cypriot adaptation of the macarthur-bates CDI | Taxitari, Loukia ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Floros, Georgios ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 14 | 20-Νοε-2017 | Language impairment in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a case study from Cyprus | Kambanaros, Maria ; Taxitari, Loukia ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Varnava, Marina ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 15 | 10-Νοε-2017 | Cognate therapy for developmental language dis-orders (DLDs) in multilingual settings | Kambanaros, Maria ; Michaelides, Michael ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 16 | 13-Οκτ-2017 | The locus preservation hypothesis: Shared linguistic profiles across developmental disorders and the resilient part of the human language faculty | Leivada, Evelina ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 17 | 2-Σεπ-2017 | Cross-linguistic adaptations of The Comprehensive Aphasia Test: Challenges and solutions | Fyndanis, Valantis ; Lind, Marianne ; Varlokosta, Spyridoula ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Soroli, Efstathia ; Ceder, Klaudia ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. ; Rofes, Adria ; Simonsen, Hanne Gram ; Bjekić, Jovana ; Gavarró, Anna ; Kuvač Kraljević, Jelena Kuvac ; Martínez-Ferreiro, Silvia ; Munarriz, Amaia ; Pourquie, Marie ; Vuksanović, Jasmina ; Zakariás, Lilla ; Howard, David |
| 18 | Ιου-2017 | Cross-linguistic transfer effects after phonologically based cognate therapy in a case of multilingual specific language impairment (SLI) | Kambanaros, Maria ; Michaelides, Michalis P. ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 19 | 20-Φεβ-2017 | The influence of bilectalism and non-standardization on the perception of native grammatical variants | Leivada, Evelina ; Papadopoulou, Elena ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |
| 20 | 2017 | Measuring working memory in SLI using sentence repetition | Theodorou, Eleni ; Kambanaros, Maria ; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. |