Tzamaloukas, Ouranios (rp00123)
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Tzamaloukas, Ouranios
Τζαμαλούκας, Ουράνιος
Ouranios Tzamaloukas holds a BSc degree in Animal Science awarded by the Agricultural University of Athens and the degrees of Master by Research (MSc) and Doctorate (PhD) awarded by the University of Edinburgh (UK). Before joining the Cyprus University of Technology in 2008, he has conducted research in animal nutrition in relation to gastrointestinal nematodes, immunology, alternative forage use, organic farming and feed analysis at the institutes of Scottish Agricultural College, Moredun Research Institute and University of Edinburgh (UK). He has worked in Greece as a visiting lecturer at different Technological Institutes, agronomist consultant and researcher. During his academic appointment at the Cyprus University of Technology, he attracted funding from the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus, EU and the dairy industry of Cyprus. His main research interests include the interplay of nutritional-genetic parameters affecting milk traits, organic farming, alternative feeds and lipid profile of milk and dairy products.