| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 1 | 6-Feb-2023 | Cybersecurity Risk: The Data | Florackis, Chris ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Michaely, Roni ; Weber, Michael | Chicago Booth Research Paper |
| 2 | 1-Jan-2023 | Agency Cost of Debt and Inside Debt: The Role of CEO Overconfidence | Galariotis, Emilios ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Petmezas, Dimitris ; Wang, Shuhui | |
| 3 | Jul-2020 | When Does the Board Blame the CEO for Poor Firm Performance? Extreme Resource Reallocation and the Board's Industry and CEO Experience | Louca, Christodoulos ; Petrou, Andreas ; Procopiou, Andreas | British Journal of Management |
| 4 | Oct-2017 | The impact of managerial ability on crisis-period corporate investment | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Karasamani, Isabella ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Ehrlich, Daphna | Journal of Business Research |
| 5 | Jul-2017 | Why Do Canadian Firms Cross-list? The Flip Side of the Issue | Charitou, Andreas ; Louca, Christodoulos | Abacus |
| 6 | 1-Sep-2016 | Organizational learning and corporate diversification performance | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Petrou, Andreas | Journal of Business Research |
| 7 | 3-May-2016 | The impact of vertical integration on inventory turnover and operating performance | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Panayides, Photis | International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications |
| 8 | 2016 | Short-horizon event study estimation with a STAR model and real contaminated events | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Savva, Christos S. | Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting |
| 9 | 16-Jan-2015 | The determinants of foreign trading volume of stocks listed in multiple markets | Dodd, Olga ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Paudyal, Krishna | Journal of Economics and Business |
| 10 | Mar-2014 | Corporate governance, financial management decisions and firm performance: Evidence from the maritime industry | Louca, Christodoulos ; Panayides, Photis ; Andreou, Panayiotis | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review |
| 11 | Nov-2012 | Valuation effects of mergers and acquisitions in freight transportation | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Panayides, Photis ; Louca, Christodoulos | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review |
| 12 | 30-Mar-2012 | The Relation Between Changes in the Information Content of Earnings and Expected Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence for Japan. | Charitou, Andreas ; Constantinidis, Eleni ; Louca, Christodoulos | Investment Management and Financial Innovations |
| 13 | 2008 | Ownership structure and operating performance: evidence from the european maritime industry | Lambertides, Neophytos ; Louca, Christodoulos | Maritime Policy and Management |
| 14 | 10-May-2007 | Cross-listing, bonding hypothesis and corporate governance | Charitou, Andreas ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Panayides, Stelios | Journal of Business Finance & Accounting |