Zantides, Evripides
Ζαντίδης, Ευριπίδης

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

8 th Wolda WinnersPart 2: Logo Redesign
Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of contribution01-11-2021
United Designs RecognitionAcknowledge of Dedication & Outstanding Accomplishments for Organizing the 5th United Designs International Biennial Design Exhibition17-07-2011
Graphic Design and Illustration Awards (EVGE)Merit n the category of Poster Design 200913-11-2009
Biennale of young artists from European Countries and Countries from the MediterraneanGraphic designer representative of Cyprus at the Biennale of young artists from European Countries and Countries from the Mediterranean in Rome.13-06-1999
Award of ExcellenceAward of Excellence for Biodapt New Logo at the 15th Worldwide Logo Design Annual-Wolda Winners, Category 1: Logos New Part 1.2: Europe & Africa.26-09-2024
Award of Excellence for exemplary design and concept in the category Logo New
Representing Cyprus
Representing Cyprus
Representing Cyprus
Representing Cyprus
Cypriot Representative
Representing Cyprus at 27 Graphists de Europe, Paris.
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