| | Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Journal |
| 1 | 14-Δεκ-2024 | Low-cost photogrammetry solutions for surveying confined underground spaces: testing the traditional set-up against 360° camera on Tombs of the Kings archaeological site | Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Cuca, Branka ; Kafataris, Georgios ; Previtali, Mattia ; Agapiou, Athos | International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives |
| 2 | 1-Απρ-2024 | Self-Adaptive Colour Calibration of Deep Underwater Images Using FNN and SfM-MVS-Generated Depth Maps | Vlachos, Marinos ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | Remote Sensing |
| 3 | 5-Δεκ-2023 | Fusion of Direct Georeferenced Aerial Drone With Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data The Case Of The Roman Baths Of Amathus, Cyprus | Kafataris, Giorgos ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Vlachos, Marinos | ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences |
| 4 | 19-Οκτ-2023 | Geomatic Sensors for Heritage Documentation: A Meta-Analysis of the Scientific Literature | Agapiou, Athos ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | Heritage |
| 5 | 1-Ιαν-2023 | Assessing User Experience and Cognitive Workload in Virtual Reality Digital Storytelling | Škola, Filip ; Boskovic, Dusanka ; Rizvic, Selma ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Liarokapis, Fotis | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction |
| 6 | 1-Σεπ-2021 | An extensive literature review on underwater image colour correction | Vlachos, Marinos ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | Sensors |
| 7 | Απρ-2021 | Learning from Synthetic Data: Enhancing Refraction Correction Accuracy for Airborne Image-Based Bathymetric Mapping of Shallow Coastal Waters | Agrafiotis, Panagiotis ; Karantzalos, Konstantinos ; Georgopoulos, Andreas ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science |
| 8 | 5-Μαρ-2021 | Needs and Gaps in Optical Underwater Technologies and Methods for the Investigation of Marine Animal Forest 3D-Structural Complexity | Rossi, Paolo ; Ponti, Massimo ; Righi, Sara ; Castagnetti, Cristina ; Simonini, Roberto ; Mancini, Francesco ; Agrafiotis, Panagiotis ; Bassani, Leonardo ; Bruno, Fabio ; Cerrano, Carlo ; Cignoni, Paolo ; Corsini, Massimiliano ; Drap, Pierre ; Dubbini, Marco ; Garrabou, Joaquim ; Gori, Andrea ; Gracias, Nuno ; Ledoux, Jean Baptiste ; Linares, Cristina ; Mantas, Torcuato Pulido ; Menna, Fabio ; Nocerino, Erica ; Palma, Marco ; Pavoni, Gaia ; Ridolfi, Alessandro ; Rossi, Sergio ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Treibitz, Tali ; Turicchia, Eva ; Yuval, Matan ; Capra, Alessandro | Frontiers in Marine Science |
| 9 | 2-Φεβ-2021 | Editorial for underwater 3d recording & modelling | Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Bruno, Fabio ; Menna, Fabio ; Nocerino, Erica | Remote Sensing |
| 10 | 2021 | Evaluating the Potential of Augmented Reality Interfaces for Exploring Underwater Historical Sites | Čejka, Jan ; Mangeruga, Marino ; Bruno, Fabio ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Liarokapis, Fotis | IEEE Access |
| 11 | 2-Νοε-2020 | Breeding success of Eleonora's Falcon in Cyprus revisited using survey techniques for cliff-nesting species | Hadjikyriakou, Thomas G. ; Kassinis, Nikolaos ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Charilaou, Pantelis ; Kirschel, Alexander N.G. | Ornithological Applications |
| 12 | 2-Οκτ-2020 | Virtual Reality with 360-Video Storytelling in Cultural Heritage: Study of Presence, Engagement, and Immersion | Škola, Filip ; Rizvic, Selma ; Cozza, Marco ; Barbieri, Loris ; Bruno, Fabio ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Liarokapis, Fotis | Sensors |
| 13 | 19-Αυγ-2019 | Software comparison for underwater archaeological photogrammetric applications | Vlachos, Marinos ; Berger, L. ; Mathelier, R. ; Agrafiotis, Panagiotis ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives |
| 14 | 17-Απρ-2019 | Virtual tour in the Sunken "villa ingresso a protiro" within the underwater archaeological park of baiae | Barbieri, Loris ; Peluso, Raffaele ; Bruno, Fabio ; Davidde Petriaggi, Barbara ; Cozza, Marco ; Rizvic, Selma ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Cozza, Alessandro ; Petriaggi, Roberto ; Lagudi, Antonio | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
| 15 | 17-Απρ-2019 | Precision potential of underwater networks for archaelogical excavation through trilateration and photogrammetry | Menna, F. ; Nocerino, E. ; Agrafiotis, Panagiotis ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
| 16 | 17-Απρ-2019 | Understanding underwater photogrammetry for maritime archaeology through immersive virtual reality | Secci, M. ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Vlachos, Marinos ; Doležal, M. ; Liarokapis, F. ; Demesticha, S. | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
| 17 | Μαρ-2019 | Evaluation of “The Seafarers”: A serious game on seaborne trade in the Mediterranean sea during the Classical period | Poullis, Charalambos ; Kersten-Oertel, Marta ; Benjamin, J. Praveen ; Philbin-Briscoe, Oliver ; Simon, Bart ; Perissiou, Dimitra ; Demesticha, Stella ; Markou, Evangeline ; Frentzos, Elias ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Rizvic, Selma | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage |
| 18 | 1-Φεβ-2019 | Detecting square markers in underwater environments | Čejka, Jan ; Bruno, Fabio ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Liarokapis, Fotis | Remote Sensing |
| 19 | 1-Οκτ-2018 | Guidelines for underwater image enhancement based on benchmarking of different methods | Mangeruga, Marino ; Bruno, Fabio ; Cozza, Marco ; Agrafiotis, Panagiotis ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios | Remote Sensing |
| 20 | 1-Αυγ-2018 | Impact of dehazing on underwater marker detection for augmented reality | Žuži, Marek ; Čejka, Jan ; Bruno, Fabio ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Liarokapis, Fotis | Frontiers Robotics AI |