Journals ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Remote sensing
Spatial information sciences
Creative Commons
The Annals are open access publications, they are published under the Creative Common Attribution 3.0 (4.0 since June 2017) License, see for details. The publication costs for each Annals volume are settled through the corresponding conference. Therefore, authors do not have to pay article processing charges. The Annals are listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS, the E/I Compendex, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
The ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS Annals) contain selected full paper double-blind peer-reviewed scientific contributions of ISPRS Congresses, Symposia and a number of Conferences and Workshops. The series was newly established in 2012.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal type
Open Access

Journals Publications

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Dec-2023Fusion of Direct Georeferenced Aerial Drone With Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data The Case Of The Roman Baths Of Amathus, CyprusKafataris, Giorgos ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Vlachos, Marinos 
24-May-2019Holistic heritage building information modelling (hhbim): From nodes to hub networking, vocabularies and repositoriesBrumana, Raffaella ; Previtali, Mattia ; Ioannides, Marinos 
311-Aug-2015Cultural heritage content re-use: An aggregators's point of viewTheofanous, Eirini ; Ioannides, Marinos ; Gavrilis, Dimitris 
411-Aug-2015Embedding knowledge in 3d data frameworks in cultural heritageFlores Gutirrez, M. ; Coughenour, C. M. ; Lopez-Menchero Bendicho, V. M. ; Fritsch, D. ; De Kramer, M. ; Ioannides, Marinos ; Senecal, S. ; Vincent, M. L. 
5Aug-20155D modelling: An efficient approach for creating spatiotemporal predictive 3d maps of large-scale cultural resourcesDoulamis, Anastasios ; Grammalidis, Nikos ; Ioannides, Marinos ; Potsiou, Chryssy ; Doulamis, Nikolaos D. ; Stathopoulou, Elisavet Konstantina ; Ioannidis, Charalabos ; Chrysouli, Christina ; Dimitropoulos, Kosmas 
630-Jul-2013Online 4d reconstruction using multi-images available under open accessJohnson, P. S. ; Doulamis, A. ; Moura Santo, P.; Hadjiprocopi, A. ; Fritsch, D. ; Doulamis, Nikolaos D. ; Makantasis, K. ; Stork, A. ; Ioannides, Marinos ; Klein, M. ; Balet, O. ; Fellner, D. ; Weinlinger, G. ; Protopapadakis, E. ; Julien, M.