| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 41 | 1-Oct-2017 | Deciphering the interplay among genotype, maturity stage and low-temperature storage on phytochemical composition and transcript levels of enzymatic antioxidants in Prunus persica fruit | Manganaris, George A. ; Drogoudi, Pavlina D. ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Tanou, Georgia ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Pantelidis, Georgios E. ; Paschalidis, Konstantinos A. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, Athanasios G. |
| 42 | Oct-2017 | Metabolic fingerprinting of must obtained from sun-dried grapes of two indigenous Cypriot cultivars destined for the production of ‘Commandaria’: A protected destignation of origin product | Constantinou, Savvas ; Gómez-Caravaca, Ana ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Segura-Carretero, Antonio ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 43 | 2017 | Fruit chemistry, nutritional benefits and social aspects of cherries | Serradilla, M. J. ; Akšic, Milica Fotirić ; Manganaris, George A. ; Ercisli, Sezai ; González-Gómez, D. ; Valero, Daniel |
| 44 | 2017 | Metabolic and transcriptional elucidation of the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in peel and flesh tissue of loquat fruit during on-tree development | Hadjipieri, Margarita ; Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Marin, Alicia ; Diaz-Mula, Huertas M. ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Tomás-Barberán, Francisco A. ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 45 | 16-Nov-2016 | Regulation of on-tree vitamin E biosynthesis in olive fruit during successive growing years: The impact of fruit development and environmental cues | Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Ntourou, Thessaloniki ; Manganaris, George A. ; Kalaitzis, Panagiotis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios |
| 46 | Sep-2016 | Golden Jubilee for the Hellenic Society for Horticultural Science | Manganaris, George A. ; Vasilakakis, Miltiadis ; Economou, A.S. ; Voyiatzis, D. ; Molassiotis, A. ; Koundouras, S. |
| 47 | 1-May-2016 | The appraisal of qualitative parameters and antioxidant contents during postharvest peach fruit ripening underlines the genotype significance | Drogoudi, Pavlina D. ; Pantelidis, Georgios ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Manganaris, George A. ; Ziogas, Vasileios ; Manganaris, Athanasios G. |
| 48 | 2016 | Proceedings of the III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016 | |
| 49 | 10-Nov-2015 | H NMR metabolic fingerprinting to probe temporal postharvest changes on qualitative attributes and phytochemical profile of sweet cherry fruit | Goulas, Vlasios ; Minas, Ioannis S. ; Kourdoulas, Panayiotis ; Lazaridou, Athina ; Molassiotis, Athanassios ; Gerothanassis, Ioannis P. ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 50 | 7-Nov-2015 | Hydrogen sulphide: a versatile tool for the regulation of growth and defence responses in horticultural crops | Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Christou, Anastasis ; Manganaris, George A. ; Antoniou, Chrystalla |
| 51 | 21-Oct-2015 | Temporal analysis reveals a key role for VTE5 in vitamin E biosynthesis in olive fruit during on-tree development | Georgiadou, Egli C. ; Ntourou, Thessaloniki ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Manganaris, George A. ; Kalaitzis, Panagiotis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios |
| 52 | 2015 | Μη καταστροφικός προσδιορισμός του σταδίου ωρίμανσης καρπών ροδακινιάς και νεκταρινιάς με τη χρήση φορητού φασματοφωτόμετρου | Μαγγανάρης, Γιώργος Α. ; Δρογούδη, Π. ; Παντελίδης, Γ. ; Ζιώγας, Β. ; Μαγγανάρης, Αθανάσιος |
| 53 | Dec-2014 | Ozone-induced kiwifruit ripening delay is mediated by ethylene biosynthesis inhibition and cell wall dismantling regulation | Minas, Ioannis S. ; Vicente, Ariel Roberto ; Dhanapal, Arun Prabhu ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Vasilakakis, Miltiadis ; Crisosto, Carlos H. ; Molassiotis, Athanassios ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 54 | Nov-2014 | Systemic mitigation of salt stress by hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitroprusside in strawberry plants via transcriptional regulation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants | Christou, Anastasis ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 55 | Sep-2014 | Comparative polyphenolic antioxidant profile and quality of traditional apple cultivars as affected by cold storage | Goulas, Vlasios ; Kourdoulas, Panayiotis ; Makris, Fedon ; Theodorou, Maria ; Fellman, John K. ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 56 | 16-Jul-2014 | Antioxidants and bioactive compounds in fruits | Kanellis, Angelos K. ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 57 | Jul-2014 | Phytochemical content, antioxidants and cell wall metabolism of two loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) cultivars under different storage regimes | Minas, Ioannis S. ; Kourdoulas, Panayiotis ; Goulas, Vlasios ; Vicente, Ariel Roberto ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 58 | 30-Mar-2014 | Berry antioxidants: small fruits providing large benefits. | Goulas, Vlasios ; Vicente, Ariel Roberto ; Terry, Leon A. ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 59 | 1-Mar-2014 | Establishment of a rapid, inexpensive protocol for extraction of high quality RNA from small amounts of strawberry plant tissues and other recalcitrant fruit crops | Christou, Anastasis ; Georgiadou, Egli ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. |
| 60 | 5-Feb-2014 | Sodium hydrosulfide induces systemic thermotolerance to strawberry plants through transcriptional regulation of heat shock proteins and aquaporin | Christou, Anastasis ; Filippou, Panagiota S. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Manganaris, George A. |