CYENS - Centre of Excellence

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Organization name
CYENS - Centre of Excellence
CYENS Centre of Excellence (formerly known as RISE) is the Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence in Cyprus focusing on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies aiming to empower knowledge and technology transfer in the region. It is a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus - University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, and, Open University of Cyprus- , the Municipality of Nicosia, and two renowned international partners, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany, and, the University College London, United Kingdom.

Results 1-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
11-Jan-2024VR/AR artworks in the museum: Redefining preservation through collaborationStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Aristidou, Myrto Convergence 
2Aug-2020A Virtual Tour of a Hardly Accessible Archaeological Site: The Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality on User Experience, Learning and Attitude ChangeKyrlitsias, Christos ; Christofi, Maria ; Michael-Grigoriou, Despina ; Banakou, Domna ; Ioannou, Andri Frontiers in Computer Science 
322-Nov-2024Understanding Practicing and Assessment of 21st-century Skills for Learners in Makerspaces and FablabsIoannou, Andri ; Miliou, Ourania ; Timotheou, Stella ; Kitsis, Andreas ; Adamou, Maria ; Mavri, Aekaterini Education and Information Technologies 
4Sep-2022A Systematic Approach for Developing a Robust Artwork Recognition Framework Using Smartphone CamerasTheodosiou, Zenonas ; Thoma, Marios ; Partaourides, Harris ; Lanitis, Andreas Algorithms 
51-May-2024Special issue with the title “Expanded Visualities: Photography and Emerging TechnologiesStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Neocleous, Kleanthis ; Fisher, Andrew Philosophy of Photography 
61-May-2023The role of perspective-taking on empowering the empathetic behavior of educators in VR-based training sessions: An experimental evaluationStavroulia, Kalliopi Evangelia ; Lanitis, Andreas Computers & Education 
71-Jan-2024Re-framing Photographic Archives: Archaeology and Colonial CyprusStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Heraclidou, Antigone GreeSE Papers 
81-Jan-2023Multiple Sclerosis Disease Evolution Assessment in Brain MRI Lesions Based on Texture and Multi-Scale Amplitude Modulation-Frequency Modulation (AM-FM) FeaturesLoizou, Christos P. ; Fotso, Kevin ; Nicolaou, Antria ; Pantzaris, Marios C. ; Pattichis, Marios S. ; Pattichis, Constantinos S. IEEE Access 
9Dec-2023A model for enhancing creativity, collaboration and pre‑professional identities in technology‑supported cross‑organizational communities of practiceMavri, Aekaterini ; Ioannou, Andri ; Loizides, Fernando Education and Information Technologies 
10Jan-2024Measuring the Effects of Usability Recommendations for Mobile Instant Messaging Apps on User Performance and User Behaviour, International Journal of Human–Computer InteractionCaro-Alvaro, Sergio ; García-López, Eva ; García-Cabot, Antonio ; Mavri, Aekaterini International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 
111-Dec-2022The Ledra Palace Hotel and the ‘difficult history’ of modern CyprusStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Heraclidou, Antigone Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 
122021A Learning Experience in Inquiry-Based Physics with Immersive Virtual Reality: Student Perceptions and an Interaction Effect Between Conceptual Gains and Attitudinal ProfilesTsivitanidou, Olia E. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Ioannou, Andri Journal of Science Education and Technology 
131-Dec-2021Learning experience design with immersive virtual reality in physics educationGeorgiou, Yiannis ; Tsivitanidou, Olia ; Ioannou, Andri Educational Technology Research and Development 
142022Grape Leaf Diseases Identification System Using Convolutional Neural Networks and LoRa TechnologyZinonos, Zinon ; Gkelios, Socratis ; Khalifeh, Ala F. ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Boutalis, Yiannis S. ; Chatzichristofis, Savvas A. IEEE Access 
1530-Oct-2023An exploratory case study of the use of a digital self-assessment tool of 21st-century skills in makerspace contextsMiliou, Ourania ; Adamou, Maria ; Mavri, Aekaterini ; Ioannou, Andri Educational Technology Research and Development 
161-Feb-2023Everyday photography and mourning in the 21st centuryStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Widmaier, Lorenz Photographies 
171-Jan-2022The Design of a Postgraduate Vocational Training Programme to Enhance Engineering Graduates' Problem-Solving Skills Through PBLMiliou, Ourania ; Ioannou, Andri ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Vyrides, Ioannis ; Xekoukoulotakis, Nikos ; Willert, SØren ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Andreou, Panayiotis ; Komnitsas, Konstantinos ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Yiatros, Stylianos The International Journal of Engineering Education 
181-Mar-2024Design and Evaluation of a Memory-Recalling Virtual Reality Application for Elderly UsersAnastasiadou, Zoe ; Dimitriadou, Eleni A. ; Lanitis, Andreas Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 
196-Feb-2023A critical evaluation, challenges, and future perspectives of using artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in smart classroomsDimitriadou, Eleni A. ; Lanitis, Andreas Smart Learning Environments 
2010-May-2021Corrigendum: A Virtual Tour of a Hardly Accessible Archaeological Site: The Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality in User Experience, Learning and Attitude ChangeKyrlitsias, Christos ; Christofi, Maria ; Michael-Grigoriou, Despina ; Banakou, Domna ; Ioannou, Andri Frontiers in Computer Science