| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Journal |
| 201 | Dec-2018 | Processing emotional faces under different perceptual load conditions and the effects of alexithymia and heart rate variability | Panayiotou, Georgia ; Theodorou, Marios ; Konstantinou, Nikos ; Vrana, Scott | Psychophysiology |
| 202 | Aug-2014 | Probing the mechanism of acrylamide formation by HPLC-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy | Ioannou, Aristos ; Ioannou, Andri ; Varotsis, Constantinos | Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry |
| 3 | 2008 | Pricing and trading European options by combining artificial neural networks and parametric models with implied parameters | Andreou, Panayiotis ; Charalambous, Chris ; Martzoukos, Spiros H. | European Journal of Operational Research |
| 4 | 1-Mar-2017 | Prevalence of primary ciliary dyskinesia in consecutive referrals of suspect cases and the transmission electron microscopy detection rate: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Kouis, Panayiotis ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Evans, John S. ; Kyriacou, Kyriacos C. ; Papatheodorou, Stefania | Pediatric Research |
| 5 | 18-Sep-2019 | Prevalence and course of disease after lung resection in primary ciliary dyskinesia: A cohort & nested case-control study | Kouis, Panayiotis ; Goutaki, Myrofora ; Halbeisen, Florian S. ; Gioti, Ifigeneia ; Middleton, Nicos ; Amirav, Israel ; Barbato, Angelo ; Behan, Laura ; Boon, Mieke ; Emiralioglu, Nagehan ; Haarman, Eric G. ; Karadag, Bulent ; Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula ; Lazor, Romain ; Loebinger, Michael R. ; Maitre, Bernard ; Mazurek, Henryk ; Morgan, Lucy ; Nielsen, Kim Gjerum ; Omran, Heymut ; Özçelik, Ugur ; Price, Mareike ; Pogorzelski, Andrzej ; Snijders, Deborah ; Thouvenin, Guillaume ; Werner, Claudius ; Zivkovic, Zorica M. ; Kuehni, Claudia E. ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. | Respiratory Research |
| 6 | 16-Sep-2021 | Prescription patterns in psychiatric compulsory care: polypharmacy and high-dose antipsychotics | Kaikoushi, Katerina ; Karanikola, Maria ; Middleton, Nicos ; Bella, Evanthia ; Chatzittofis, Andreas | BJPsych open |
| 7 | Feb-2022 | Preparation of highly efficient thermoelectric Bi-doped Mg2Si0.55-xSn0.4Gex (x = 0 and 0.05) materials with a scalable mechanical alloying method | Symeou, Elli ; Karyou, M. ; Delimitis, Andreas ; Constantinou, Marios ; Constantinides, Georgios ; Nicolaou, Ch. ; Giapintzakis, Ioannis ; Kyratsi, Th | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids |
| 8 | 17-Apr-2023 | Predictors of changing patterns of adherence to containment measures during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic: an international longitudinal study | Chong, Yuen Yu ; Chien, Wai Tong ; Cheng, Ho Yu ; Lamnisos, Demetris ; Lubenko, Jelena ; Presti, Giovambattista ; Squatrito, Valeria ; Constantinou, Marios ; Nicolaou, Christiana ; Papacostas, Savvas S. ; Aydin, Gökçen ; Ruiz, Francisco J. ; Garcia-Martin, Maria B. ; Obando-Posada, Diana P. ; Segura-Vargas, Miguel A. ; Vasiliou, Vasilis S. ; McHugh, Louise ; Höfer, Stefan ; Baban, Adriana ; Neto, David Dias ; Nunes da Silva, Ana ; Monestès, Jean-Louis ; Alvarez-Galvez, Javier ; Paez-Blarrina, Marisa ; Montesinos, Francisco ; Valdivia-Salas, Sonsoles ; Ori, Dorottya ; Kleszcz, Bartosz ; Lappalainen, Raimo ; Ivanović, Iva ; Gosar, David ; Dionne, Frederick ; Merwin, Rhonda M. ; Gloster, Andrew ; Kassianos, Angelos P. ; Karekla, Maria | Globalization and Health |
| 9 | 29-Jan-2024 | A Practical Approach for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling | Manousakis, Konstantinos ; Savva, Giannis ; Papadouris, Nicos ; Mavrovouniotis, Michalis ; Christofides, Athanasios ; Kolokotroni, Nedi ; Ellinas, Georgios | IEEE Access |
| 10 | Apr-2019 | The power roots and drivers of infidelity in international business relationships | Leonidou, Leonidas C. ; Aykol, Bilge ; Spyropoulou, Stavroula ; Christodoulides, Paul | Industrial Marketing Management |
| 11 | 15-Oct-2017 | The potential implications of reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation on the agricultural environment: The knowns and unknowns of the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes – A review | Christou, Anastasis ; Agüera, Ana ; Maria Bayona, Josep ; Cytryn, Eddie ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Lambropoulou, Dimitra ; Manaia, Celia M. ; Michael, Costas ; Revitt, Mike ; Schröder, Peter ; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo | Water Research |
| 12 | 26-Jun-2007 | Polyoxomolybdenum(V/VI)-sulfite compounds: synthesis, structural, and physical studies | Kapakoglou, Nikolaos I. ; Betzios, Panagiotis I. ; Drouza, Chryssoula | Inorganic Chemistry |
| 13 | Jan-2017 | Policy-Driven Investigation of Sectoral Latent Information Regarding Global Road Fatalities | Dimitriou, Loukas ; Nikolaou, Paraskevas ; Antoniou, Constantinos | Transportation research procedia |
| 14 | Jun-2010 | Plaque area at carotid and common femoral bifurcations and prevalence of clinical cardiovascular disease | Griffin, Maura B. ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Tyllis, Theodosis H. ; Georgiou, Niki ; Martin, Richard Michael ; Bond, Dawn ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. ; Tziakouri, Ch H. ; Dore, Caroline J. ; Fessas, Christian H. | International Αngiology |
| 15 | 1-Jun-2010 | PLA2G7 Genotype, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 activity, and coronary heart disease risk in 10 494 cases and 15 624 controls of european ancestry | Casas, Juan Pablo ; Ninio, Ewa ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. ; Palmen, Jutta A. ; Cooper, Jackie A. ; Ricketts, Sally L. ; Sofat, Reecha ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Corsetti, James P. ; Fowkes, Francis Gerald R ; Tzoulaki, Ioanna ; Kumari, Meena ; Brunner, Eric John ; Kivimaki, Mika ; Marmot, Michael Gideon Ideon ; Hoffmann, Michael Marcus ; Winkler, Karl ; Marz, Winfred ; Ye, Shu ; Stirnadel, Heide A. ; Khaw, Kay Tee T ; Humphries, Steve Eric ; Sandhu, Manjinder S. ; Hingorani, Aroon D. ; Talmud, Philippa J. | Circulation |
| 16 | Mar-2006 | Pipeline givens sequences for computing the qr decomposition on a erew pram | Hofmann, Marc ; Kontoghiorghes, Erricos John | Parallel Computing |
| 17 | Mar-2021 | Pilot exploration of post-traumatic stress symptoms in intensive care unit survivors in Cyprus | Karanikola, Maria ; Alexandrou, George ; Mpouzika, Meropi ; Chatzittofis, Andreas ; Kusi-Appiah, Elizabeth ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth | Nursing in Critical Care |
| 18 | Jun-2011 | Physical versus virtual manipulative experimentation in physics learning | Zacharia, Zacharias C. ; Olympiou, Georgios | Learning and Instruction |
| 19 | 1-Mar-2024 | Photovoltaic limitations of FAPbI3 nanocrystal solar cells associated with ligand washing processes | Galatopoulos, Fedros ; Papagiorgis, Paris ; Ioakeimidis, Apostolos ; Chrusou, Alexandra Z. ; Souzou, A ; Christodoulou, Constantinos ; Bernasconi, Caterina ; Bodnarchuk, Maryna I. ; Leontidis, Epameinondas ; Kovalenko, Maksym V. ; Itskos, Grigorios ; Choulis, Stelios A. | APL Energy |
| 20 | 1-Apr-2017 | Photovoltaic limitations of BODIPY:fullerene based bulk heterojunction solar cells | Baran, Derya ; Tuladhar, Sachetan M. ; Economopoulos, Solon P. ; Neophytou, Marios ; Savva, Achilleas ; Itskos, Grigorios ; Othonos, Andreas ; Bradley, Donal D.C. ; Brabec, Christoph J. ; Nelson, Jenny ; Choulis, Stelios A. | Synthetic Metals |