Department of Fine Arts

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Organization name
Department of Fine Arts
The School of Fine and Applied Arts, of the Cyprus University of Technology, constitutes a nodal point for scientific and artistic research and production. The Department of Fine Arts, in particular, aims at becoming a place for artistic and overall cultural research and creation. With an international outlook, the department aims at becoming a meeting point between Europe and the Middle East, projecting anew the centuries-old character of the Mediterranean as a space of crossings, interactions and transcultural cosmopolitanism. At the same time, it aims at creating an environment of high theoretical and aesthetic calibre, for the renewal and enrichment of the Cypriot cultural discourse, as well as, at creating the necessary framework for the promotion abroad of local, contemporary artistic creation. Within the planned undergraduate Fine Arts degree, the Fine Arts Department will offer studies in two-dimensional (painting) and three-dimensional (sculpture) creation, as well as in technological applications in art – from photography to video and to digital, visual and sound applications. The programme will be heavily complemented by courses in the History and Theory of Visual Arts, Architecture and New Media, as well as in Philosophy (including Aesthetics) of Art. Directly related to the aforementioned importance of the historical, philosophical and, generally, theoretical education of the students, has been the commencement – in September 2015 – of the post-graduate (Master’s) programme in the History and Theory of Art, with which the Department of Fine Arts was inaugurated. © 2016 C

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 41-60 of 188 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
41Oct-2022Marching OnSynnos, Nicos 
4211-Oct-2022Marching OnSynnos, Nicos 
432024The Massacre of the Innocents and the image of pathos in Venetian CyprusMarkou, Georgios E. 
442018Mediterranean Modernisms: The case of Cypriot Artist Christoforos SavvaDanos, Antonis 
4529-Jan-2023Modalities and Spaces of Empathy: A Minimum of Visible WorldPericleous, Vicky 
4626-Jun-2022The monitoring, refurbishment and remediation of existing bridge bearingsAntoniou, Klitsa ; Percy, R.A. 
47Feb-2023Moral disgust and imaginative resistanceKyprianidou, Efi 
482010Music and noise in the streets: Exploring cultural soundscapesChristidis, Yiannis 
492023Open Your EyesΑριστείδου, Άννα 
502021Performance Dates, International ConferenceVolanakis, Adonis 
5131-Jul-2024Philip Cottrell and Peter Humfrey, Bonifacio de’ Pitati. Ponzano Veneto: Edizioni Zel, 2023. 470 pp. €120.00. ISBN: 9788887186277 (hb).Markou, Georgios E. 
52Jun-2016Place Attachment through Everyday Sound: The Case of Divided NicosiaChristidis, Yiannis 
531-Jan-2014Place meaning and the visually impaired: The impact of sound parameters on place attachment and identityRizopoulos, Charalampos ; Gazi, Angeliki ; Christidis, Yiannis 
14Jun-2023Post and neo-colonial proximities | exiting Varosha. A Visual Essay, published at Passeio, Art & Urban Culture Platform, A Platform for the study of art and urban culture,Pericleous, Vicky 
15Jun-2023Post and neo-colonial proximities | exiting Varosha. A Visual EssayPericleous, Vicky 
1624-Mar-2023Presentation: Fragmentation of space and time in experimental cinema and animation: The medium factor.Synnos, Nicos 
172014Professione Reporter του Michelangelo Antonioni: Η δημιουργία μιας «μη υπαρκτής» ιστορίαςΓιαπάνης, Γιάννης 
18Mar-2023Psychoanalysis & Cinema -Symposium - Screenings and Presentations, Rialto Theatre (Limassol, Cyprus, 24-26 March 2023)Synnos, Nicos 
192010Re-envisioning CyprusStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Antoniou, Lucas ; Couta, Melita ; Diehl, Johanna ; Kyriacou, Phanos 
202010Rebellious bodies: their destruction, and the influence of their lives and deathsDanos, Antonis