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Title: Re-envisioning Cyprus
Authors: Stylianou-Lambert, Theopisti 
Antoniou, Lucas 
Couta, Melita 
Diehl, Johanna 
Kyriacou, Phanos 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Στυλιανού-Λάμπερτ, Θεοπίστη
Major Field of Science: Humanities
Field Category: Arts
Keywords: Photography;Multimedia;Cyprus;Visual arts
Issue Date: 2010
Source: Re-envisioning Cyprus, Pantheon Gallery, Cyprus, December 8-23th 2010
Abstract: Artists and academics join forces in a common effort to “re-envision” Cyprus. The result is anedited volume and a photography & multimedia exhibition. The authors of “Re-envisioning Cyprus” come from different disciplines – such asanthropology, social sciences, art history, literature, cultural theory and visual arts. They usevarious methods – some excavate past images, and some produce or comment on newones. They exploit all kinds of materials – such as press, studio or vernacular photos, statues,landmarks, urban constructions and religious spaces. What united them is first their wish tosee Cyprus with their own eyes and with their own minds, rather than through officialisinglenses, or narratives. Second, they are rather interested in photography, and how it can helpour conceptual understanding of the island. The images each author has selected or produced will be included in the accompaniedexhibition. The exhibition will feature the work of visual artists from Cyprus and abroad andwill be opened by the Minister of Education and Culture, Mr. Andreas Demetriou onWednesday, December 8th at 8pm. Participating Authors and Artists: Loucas Antoniou, Melita Couta, Johanna Diehl, AnandanaKapur, Phanos Kyriacou, Orestis Lambrou, Chrystalleni Loizidou, Peter Loizos, MiriamPaeslack, Haris Pellapaisiotis, Nicos Phillipou, Sondra Sainsbury, Stefanos Stefanides,Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Constantinos Taliotis, Demetris Taliotis and Ellene Tsangarides. The exhibition is organized by the University of Nicosia (organizer) and the Cyprus Universityof Technology (partner) and is part of the celebration of the 50th year anniversary of Cyprus.The book is published by the University of Nicosia Press and will be available at theexhibition opening. Editors/ Curators:Peter Loizos (London School of Economics)Nicos Philippou (University of Nicosia)Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert (Cyprus University of Technology)
Description: Also in book with Title :Re-envisioning Cyprus. Nicosia: University of Nicosia Press, Loizos, P., Philippou, N., Stylianou-Lambert, T. (2010).
ISBN: 9789963634873
Type: Exhibitions
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
University of Nicosia 
Appears in Collections:Art and Design

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