Department of Communication and Marketing

Organization name
Department of Communication and Marketing
The Department of Communication and Marketing at the Cyprus University of Technology aspires to establish itself as a regional center for teaching and research in the field of public communication and to gradually become a nationally and internationally recognized center of excellence. Its mission is to enhance scholarship in the field of public communication, predominantly in those aspects that are linked to the media, journalism, political communication, advertising and public relations. It will strongly focus on the European dimension and on the related domains of the communicative disciplines, with emphasis on the historical, social and political aspects of their evolution.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 161-180 of 338 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16116-Apr-2020Many losers – One winner? An examination of vote switching to the AfD in the 2017 German federal election using VAA dataWurthmann, Lucas Constantin ; Marschall, Stefan ; Triga, Vasiliki ; Manavopoulos, Vasilis 
1622024Marketing Solutions to the Challenges of a VUCA Environment: What Have We Accomplished and What More Can We Do? .Zarkada, Anna K. 
1631-Nov-2021Marketing ‘Literary England’ beyond the special interest touristIngram, Claire ; Themistocleous, Christos ; Rickly, Jillian M. ; McCabe, Scott 
164Aug-2018Measuring issue congruence between German parties and voters: Evidence from VAA data in three German electionsTriga, Vasiliki ; Marschall, Stefan ; Wurthmann, Constantine 
16520-Jul-2023Measuring Perceived Internal Marketing and Employee Engagement in Higher Education InstitutionsKyriacou, Evdoxia ; Zarkada, Anna K. 
1668-Jan-2025Media battles in the cybersphere: analyzing news and social media agendas during the 2015 Greek bailout referendumTriga, Vasiliki ; Sergidou, Nelly-Maria ; Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas 
167Jan-2018The media’s framing of the Greek bailout referendum: A crisis-inducing or a crisis-resolving mechanism?Milioni, Dimitra L. ; Spyridou, Lia Paschalia ; Triga, Vasiliki 
1682023Medical Cannabis Brand Architecture: Establishing its Roots in Pharmaceutical MarketingNtais, Christos ; Suvatjis, Jean ; Melanthiou, Yioula 
1692023Medical Cannabis: Modeling a Destigmatization Process for its Candidacy to Become a Pharmaceutical BrandNtais, Christos ; Suvatjis, Jean ; Melanthiou, Yioula 
1703-Apr-2023Mega-influencer and celebrity brand engagement: antecedents and effect on fans’ purchasing behavioursZarkada, Anna K. 
17130-Jan-2018Message from the CPSCom-2017 Workshop/Symposium ChairsAlam Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul ; Dahal, Keshav P. ; Nasser, Youssef ; Tawfik, Hissam Mouyad ; Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas 
172Jan-2018Metadata for intangible cultural heritage: the case of folk dancesGiannoulakis, Stamatios ; Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas ; Grammalidis, Nikos 
17311-Jul-2024Metaverse and Luxury Research: A Bibliometric AnalysisMelanthiou, Yioula ; Teerakapibal, Surat 
17415-May-2023Metaverse and Tourism ResearchMelanthiou, Yioula ; Teerakapibal, Surat 
1752-Jul-2024The Metaverse in an Era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and AmbiguityMelanthiou, Yioula ; Vasic, Sergey 
1761-Jan-2014Methodological challenges in the analysis of voting advice application generated dataMendez, Fernando ; Gemenis, Kostas ; Djouvas, Constantinos 
177Dec-2016Mining online political opinion surveys for suspect entries: An interdisciplinary comparisonDjouvas, Constantinos ; Mendez, Fernando ; Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas 
17829-Sep-2022Modeling and Validating a News Recommender Algorithm in a Mainstream Medium-Sized News Organization: An Experimental ApproachSpyridou, Lia Paschalia ; Djouvas, Constantinos ; Milioni, Dimitra L. 
1792008Modeling user networks in recommender systemsTsapatsoulis, Nicolas ; Vogiatzis, Dimitrios 
1802012Modelling crowdsourcing originated keywords within the athletics domainTsapatsoulis, Nicolas ; Theodosiou, Zenonas