Faculty of Communication and Media Studies

Organization name
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
Parent OrgUnit
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
- 324 Conference Papers
- 244 Article
- 151 Bachelors Thesis
- 86 Book Chapter
- 26 Exhibitions
- 24 Report
- 17 Book
- 17 MSc Thesis
- 17 PhD Thesis
- 6 Film
- επόμενο >
Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης
- 347 2020 - 2027
- 530 2010 - 2019
- 45 2000 - 2009
- 6 Journalism
- 5 International Journal of Advertising
- 5 International Journal of Electronic Governance
- 4 Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
- 3 Cognition and Instruction
- 3 IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
- 3 Interactive Learning Environments
- 3 International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
- 3 International Journal of Communication
- 3 International Journal of Human Computer Studies
- επόμενο >
Πλήρες Κείμενο
- 539 No Fulltext
- 383 With Fulltext
Αποτελέσματα για 121-140 από 922.