Cyprus University of Technology

Organization name
Cyprus University of Technology

Αποτελέσματα για 1241-1260 από 4777.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςJournal
1241Φεβ-2014Promoting the assembly of carbon onions: An atomistic approachAdhikari, Bibek ; Muthuraman, Balaji ; Mathioudakis, Christos ; Fyta, Maria G. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science 
12422-Νοε-2019Promoting speech intelligibility through phonologically dense targetsPetinou, Kakia ; Theodorou, Eleni Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 
1243Μαΐ-2021Promoting Speech Intelligibility in Autism Spectrum Disorder through the Implementation of Phonologically Similar StimuliPetinou, Kakia Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 
124420-Οκτ-2019Promoting RRI and active citizenship in an inquiry-based controversial socio-scientific issue: the case of cholesterol regulation with statinsHadjichambis, Andreas Ch. ; Georgiou, Yiannis ; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, Demetra ; Kyza, Eleni A. ; Agesilaou, Andria ; Mappouras, Demetrios G. Journal of Biological Education 
12452023Promoting and supporting breastfeeding in a protracted emergency setting-Caregivers' and health workers' perceptions from North-East NigeriaAmat Camacho, Nieves ; Chara, Abdullahi ; Briskin, Emily ; Pellecchia, Umberto ; Kyi, Htet Aung ; de Rubeis, Maria Livia ; Hussain, Faisal ; Ahmed, Tasneem ; Ogundipe, Oluwakemi F ; Burzio, Chiara ; Kamis, Uba ; Bukar, Lawan M ; Von Schreeb, Johan ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Della Corte, Francesco ; Sunyoto, Temmy Frontiers in Public Health 
1246Οκτ-2018Promoting a safety culture through effective nursing leadership in cancer careCharalambous, Andreas ; Kelly, Daniel European Journal of Oncology Nursing 
12471-Μαρ-2023Proline-functionalized graphene oxide nanoparticles (GO-Pro NPs): A new engineered nanoparticle to ameliorate salinity stress on grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv Sultana)Zahedi, Seyed Morteza ; Abolhassani, Mohammad ; Hadian-Deljou, Marziyeh ; Feyzi, Hadis ; Akbari, Ali ; Rasouli, Farzad ; Koçak, Mehmet Zeki ; Kulak, Muhittin ; Gohari, Gholamreza Plant Stress 
1248Ιαν-2014Proline and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species metabolism is involved in the tolerant response of the invasive plant species Ailanthus altissima to drought and salinityFilippou, Panagiota S. ; Bouchagier, Pavlos ; Skotti, Effie ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios Environmental and Experimental Botany 
124921-Ιαν-2011Projection of atomistic simulation data for the dynamics of entangled polymers onto the tube theory: Calculation of the segment survival probability function and comparison with modern tube modelsStephanou, Pavlos S. ; Baig, Chunggi ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Soft Matter 
1250Οκτ-2019Progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery techniques and the way of coping of parents of children with malignancies: A randomized controlled trialTsitsi, Theologia ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Rousou, Elena ; Charalambous, Andreas Annals of Oncology 
1251Ιου-2020Progressive Muscle Relaxation and guided imagery as techniques to enhance the way of coping of parents of children with malignancies: Findings from a randomized controlled trialTsitsi, Theologia ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Charalambous, Andreas European Journal of Oncology Nursing 
1252Απρ-2015Prognosis of the co-morbid heart failure and anaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysisKyriakou, Martha ; Kiff, P. ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini European Journal of Heart Failure 
12539-Φεβ-2022Profiling the variability and inequity in the residential environment in Cyprus according to citizens' ratings: a cross-sectional internet-based "Place Standard" surveyKleopa, Daphne ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. ; Kouta, Christiana ; Kaiafa, Chrystalla ; Middleton, Nicos BMC Public Health 
1254Σεπ-2021Profiling the package traveler: An expenditure-based segmentation endeavorZopiatis, Anastasios ; Pericleous, Katerina Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 
1255Απρ-2013Profiling shifts in protein complement in tomato fruit induced by atmospheric ozone-enrichment and/or wound-inoculation with Botrytis cinereaTzortzakis, Nikos G. ; Taybi, Tahar ; Antony, Edna ; Singleton, Ian ; Borland, Anne M. ; Barnes, Jeremy D. Postharvest Biology and Technology 
12561-Μαΐ-2020Profiling of essential oils components and polyphenols for their antioxidant activity of medicinal and aromatic plants grown in different environmental conditionsChrysargyris, Antonios ; Mikallou, Maria ; Petropoulos, Spyridon A. ; Tzortzakis, Nikos G. Agronomy 
1257Δεκ-2022Profiling carotenoid and phenolic compounds in fresh and canned fruit of peach cultivars: Impact of genotype and canning on their concentrationChristofi, Marina ; Pavlou, Andrea ; Lantzouraki, Dimitra Z. ; Tsiaka, Thalia ; Myrtsi, Eleni D. ; Zoumpoulakis, Panagiotis ; Haroutounian, Serkos ; Mauromoustakos, Andy ; Biliaderis, Costas G. ; Manganaris, George A. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 
1258Αυγ-2023Profile and Needs of Older People in Contemporary Society: A Multi-Centre Focus Group Discussions Study in 6 EU CountriesEfthymiou, Areti ; Dimitriadou, Maria ; Efstathiou, Georgios ; Tsitsi, Theologia ; Caciula, Ioana ; Portugal, Joana ; Boccaletti, Licia ; Evripidou, Melina ; Papastavrou, Evridiki International Journal of Caring Sciences 
1259Απρ-2015Professional environment and patient safety in emergency departmentsLambrou, Persefoni ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Merkouris, Anastasios ; Middleton, Nicos 
12601-Σεπ-2018Professional burnout among hospital nursing and administrative staff and the tendency of nurses to move to administrative postsGrigoropoulou, M. ; Patsaki, A. ; Katsari, B. ; Sarafis, Pavlos ; Bamidis, P. ; Varaklioti, A. ; Domeyer, F. Archives of Hellenic Medicine