Browsing by Authors Varotsis, Constantinos

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Showing results 48 to 67 of 155 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2016Nanosecond ligand migration and functional protein relaxation in ba3 oxidoreductase: Structures of the B0, B1 and B2 intermediate statesNicolaides, Antonis ; Soulimane, Tewfik ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
Jan-1993Nanosecond Time-Resolved Resonance Raman SpectroscopyVarotsis, Constantinos ; Babcock, Gerald T. 
1995Nickel Coordination Chemistry with Oxothiolate Ligands and Its Relevance to Hydrogenase EnzymesChou, Jun-Hong ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G. 
May-2008Nitric oxide activation and reduction by heme-copper oxidoreductases and nitric oxide reductasePinakoulaki, Eftychia ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
28-Apr-2015Nitric oxide activation by caa3 oxidoreductase from Thermus thermophilusOhta, Takehiro ; Soulimane, Tewfik ; Kitagawa, Teizo ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
26-Feb-2002Nitric-oxide reductase: structure and properties of the catalytic site from resonance Raman scatteringPinakoulaki, Eftychia ; Gemeinhardt, Sabine ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
3-May-2012Non-linear Vibrational Modes in Biomolecules: a Periodic Orbits DescriptionFarantos, Stavros C. ; Kampanarakis, Alexandros ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Daskalakis, Vangelis ; Farantos, Stavros C. ; Kampanarakis, Alexandros 
1-Oct-2016ns-µs time-resolved step-scan FTIR of ba3 oxidoreductase from Thermus thermophilus: Protonic connectivity of w941-w946-w927Nicolaides, Antonis ; Soulimane, Tewfik ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
1992O2 activation in cytochrome oxidase and in other heme proteinsBabcock, Gerald T. ; Zhang, Yong ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
6-Sep-2002Observation of the equilibrium Cu B-CO complex and functional implications of the transient heme a 3 propionates in cytochrome ba 3-CO from Thermus thermophilus. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and time-resolved step-scan FTIR studiesStavrakis, Stavros ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Koutsoupakis, Constantinos 
1992Optical and resonance raman spectroscopy of the heme groups of the quinol- oxidizing cytochrome aa3 of bacillus subtilisLauraeus, Marko ; Wikström, Mårten ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
Apr-2012The origin of the FeIV = O intermediates in cytochrome aa3 oxidaseVarotsis, Constantinos ; Pinakoulaki, Eftychia ; Daskalakis, Vangelis 
13-Feb-2003Oxygen-linked equilibrium Cu B-CO species in cytochrome ba 3 oxidase from Thermus thermophilus: implications for an oxygen channel at the Cu B siteVarotsis, Constantinos ; Koutsoupakis, Constantinos 
16-Feb-2015Photobiochemical Production of Carbon Monoxide by Thermus thermophilus ba3-Cytochrome c OxidaseKoutsoupakis, Constantinos ; Soulimane, Tewfik ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
1995Photolytic activity of early intermediates in dioxygen activation and reduction by cytochrome oxidaseBabcock, Gerald T. ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
Dec-2020Photoreduction of carotenoids in the aerobic anoxygenic photoheterotrophs probed by real time Raman spectroscopyPapageorgiou, Marios ; Tselios, Charalampos ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
2019Photosensitivity responses of: Sagittula stellata probed by FTIR, fluorescence and Raman microspectroscopyPapageorgiou, Marios ; Tselios, Charalampos ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
21-Apr-2000Picosecond resonance Raman evidence of the structure of a long-lived electronic excited state of low-spin Fe(III)heme oSchelvis, Johannes P.M. ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
19-Nov-2019Probing hemoglobin glyco-products by fluorescence spectroscopyIoannou, Aristos ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
2-Sep-2011Probing protonation/deprotonation of tyrosine residues in cytochrome ba 3 oxidase from thermus thermophilus by time-resolved step-scan fourier transform infrared spectroscopyKolaj-Robin, Olga ; Soulimane, Tewfik ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Koutsoupakis, Constantinos