Browsing by Authors Zarkada, Anna K.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 105  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Achievement-Based Celebrities As Objects & Instruments Of ConsumptionZarkada, Anna K. ; Tzoumaka, Eugenia ; Siomkos, George ; Panigyrakis, George G. 
2013Adapting to Survive : Facebook’s Introduction into the IMC EcosystemZarkada, Anna K. 
2001An analysis of cultural awareness of international managersZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
2018Antecedents of corporate sustainability in a multicultural society and the globalized economyZarkada, Anna K. ; Tzoumaka, Eugenia ; Niros, Meletios I. 
2015The Application of the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Political Communication: Political Slogans and Change of PreferenceZarkada, Anna K. ; Georgoudi, F 
2002Assessment of Indonesia's country risk by Australian manufacturersZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell ; Insch, Andrea 
2001Australian manufacturers' perceptions of Indonesia as a host for direct foreign investmentZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
1999Australian manufacturers' perceptions of Indonesia as a host for direct investmentZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
2009Brand equity revisited: An institutional theory approach to airline customer supportZarkada, Anna K. 
1999Can corporate citizenship measures be culturally transferable ?Zarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell ; Küskü, Fatma 
2000A classification of factors influencing participating in collusive tendering agreementsZarkada, Anna K. 
4-Apr-2023Communicating the brand promise to internal stakeholders in Higher Education InstitutionsKyriacou, Evdoxia ; Zarkada, Anna K. 
30-Jan-2012Concepts and Constructs for Personal Branding: An Exploratory Literature Review ApproachZarkada, Anna K. 
1998Construction management students' perceptions of ethics in tenderingZarkada, Anna K. ; Skitmore, R. M. ; Runeson, G. 
2014Crafting the Craft's ReputationZarkada, Anna K. 
1999A cross-cultural analysis of the marketing related elements of retail store managers' performanceZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
2001Cultural awareness of Japanese management recruitsZarkada, Anna K. ; Fraser, Campbell 
2001Cultural differences in HCI and telepresence - A comparison of e-commerce buying behaviour in Greek and Anglo-Australian womenFraser, Campbell ; Zarkada, Anna K. 
2017Customer aggression and organizational turnover among service employees: The moderating role of distributive justice and organizational prideKashif, Muhammad ; Zarkada, Anna K. ; Thurasamy, Ramayah 
2000Decisions with moral content: CollusionZarkada, Anna K. ; Skitmore, Martin