Browsing by Authors Aresti, Lazaros

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 74  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2022Adoption of Waste Heat Recovery Technologies: Reviewing the Relevant Barriers and Recommendations on How to Overcome ThemChristodoulides, Paul ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Panayiotou, Gregoris P. ; Tassou, Savvas A. ; Florides, Georgios A. 
Oct-2013Air flow effect on the temperature of a building integrated PV-panelAresti, Lazaros ; Agathokleous, Rafaela ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. 
25-Jul-2019Air-conditioning of a typical house in moderate climates with Ground Source Heat Pumps and cost comparison with Air Source Heat PumpsChristodoulides, Paul ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. 
Sep-2018Assessment and comparison of soil thermal characteristics by laboratory measurementsRamos, Rute ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Vieira, Ana ; Florides, Georgios A. 
Sep-2018Borehole Ground Heat Exchangers and The Flow of Underground WaterIosif-Stylianou, Iosifina ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Tassou, Savvas A. ; Florides, Georgios A. 
Apr-2024Comparative Environmental Impact of Ground Source Heat Pumps and Air Source Heat Pumps for Dwellings with high and low insulation profilesAresti, Lazaros ; Makarounas, Christos ; Christodoulides, Paul 
2021A Comparative Environmental Impact Study of Ground Source Heat Pump SystemsAresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Makarounas, Christos ; Lazari, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. 
2024Comparison of analytical models for Ground Heat ExchangersChristodoulides, Paul ; Skaliontas, Andreas ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. 
14-Sep-2024Comparison of the Energy Contributions of Different Types of Ground Heat Exchangers Related to Cost in a Working Ground Source Heat Pump SystemChristou, Christakis ; Stylianou, Iosifina I. ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Christodoulides, Paul 
Aug-2020Computational Investigation of Dwellings’ Foundations as a GHE in Mediterranean ClimateAresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Makarounas, Christos ; Lazari, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. 
2019Computational investigation of the effect of various parameters of a spiral ground heat exchangerAresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Lazari, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. 
30-Sep-2022A computational investigation on the heat transfer loss for the Geothermal District Heating in the Baltic regionAresti, Lazaros ; Makarounas, Christos ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Onoufriou, Toula ; Christodoulides, Paul 
2016Computational modelling of a ground heat exchanger with groundwater flowAresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Florides, Georgios A. 
Jul-2022A cost and environmental impact analysis of Ground Source Heat Pumps in European climatesAresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Stassis, Andreas ; Makarounas, Christos ; Florides, Georgios A. 
2020Design aspects of Ground-Source Heat Pump systemsChristodoulides, Paul ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Aresti, Lazaros 
2023Dwellings’ foundation as Ground Heat Exchangers in Eastern Mediterranean conditionsAresti, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Christodoulides, Paul 
30-Sep-2022Economic and Environmental comparison of residential Geothermal Energy Systems from the greater Baltic region to the southern EUAresti, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Makarounas, Christos ; Onoufriou, Toula ; Christodoulides, Paul 
Jun-2022Economic Evaluation of New-type Energy Geo-structures in Residential Buildings. A Case Study in Moderate Mediterranean ClimateAresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Stassis, Andreas ; Florides, Georgios A. 
2019Economics of a sustainable geothermal system for air-conditioning a typical house in moderate climatesFlorides, Georgios A. ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Messaritis, Vassilios ; Lazari, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul 
Apr-2013The effect of air flow on a building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)Kalogirou, Soteris A. ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Florides, Georgios A.