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Title: LB021-MON: The impact of a nutrition workshop on improving adherence to mediterranean diet and nutrition knowledge among adolescent swimmers
Authors: Philippou, Elena 
Middleton, Nicos 
Pistos, Constantinos M. 
Andreou, Eleni 
Petrou, Michael 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Health Sciences
Keywords: Nutrition;Mediterranean diet;Adolescent;Swimmers
Issue Date: Sep-2014
Source: Clinical Nutrition, 2014, vol. 33, pp. S259
Volume: 33
Start page: S259
Journal: Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 
Abstract: Rationale: Adoption of healthy eating by adolescent athletes is imperative for normal growth as well as enhancing sport performance. The study aimed to examine the impact of a healthy eating workshop on adolescent swimmers’ dietary intake, nutrition knowledge and adherence to Mediterranean diet (MD). Methods: Healthy adolescent swimmers aged 13 19 y participated in a half-day educational workshop with emphasis on MD. Adherence to the MD was assessed using the KIDMED index at baseline and 6 weeks post-workshop. Additionally the following were assessed: blood biochemistry, anthropometrics, dietary practices and nutrition knowledge of food sources of macro- and micronutrients and MD definition. Results were analysed by paired t, Wilcoxon and McNemar’s tests as appropriate. Results are presented as mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range].Results: A total of 34 subjects participated (67.6% males, 76.5% normal weight and 23.5% overweight). Blood biochemistry was normal both pre- and post-intervention, while BMI was slightly reduced (21.5±2.1 vs 21.4±2.2; p < 0.01).Adherence to the MD was improved (poor: 14.7% vs 2.9%,medium: 64.7% vs 50.0%, good: 20.6% vs 47.1%; KIDMED score:5.00 [3.00] vs 7.00 [2.00]; p < 0.01). Nutrition knowledge also appeared improved (score: 7.00 [3.00] vs 7.00 [2.00]; p = 0.034). Participants reported eating more vegetables, olive oil, pulses and fish and less often in fast food stores (p < 0.05).Conclusion: The KIDMED index is an easy to use dietary assessment tool in this population group. A short educational workshop can improve adherence to MD and nutrition knowledge in adolescent swimmers with possible implications for their health.
ISSN: 02615614
DOI: 10.1016/S0261-5614(14)50679-6
Rights: © Elsevier
Type: Article
Affiliation : University of Nicosia 
Cyprus University of Technology 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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