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Title: Dynamic localisation and automatic correction of software faults using evolutionary mutation testing
Authors: Andreou, Andreas S. 
Yiasemis, Pantelis 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Ανδρέου, Ανδρέας Σ.
Γιασεμής, Παντελής
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Information Engineering
Keywords: Dynamic slicing;Software fault;Fault localization;Java source codes;Localisation;Mutation operators;Mutation testing;Novel methodology;Programming errors;Self-adaptive mutation;Test case;Testing process;Errors;Genetic algorithms;Information systems;Software testing
Issue Date: 2012
Source: 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, 28 June-1 July 2012
Conference: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 
Abstract: Software testing has recently turned to more sophisticated techniques, like automatic, self-adaptive mutation testing, aiming at improving the effectiveness of the testing process and handling the associated complexity that increases the level of time and effort spent. Mutation testing refers to the application of mutation operators on correctly functioning programs so as to induce common programming errors and then assess the ability of a set of test cases to reveal them. In the above context the present paper introduces a novel methodology for identifying and correcting faults in Java source code using dynamic slicing coupled with mutation testing and enhanced by Genetic Algorithms. A series of experiments was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, using different types of errors and sample programs. The results were quite encouraging as regards the ability of the approach to localise the faults, as well as to suggest the appropriate correction(s) to eliminate them.
Rights: c 2012 SCITEPRESS
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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