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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2564
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Oct-2012Typography, colour and meaning in advertisements with children: a semiotic study based on content analysisZantides, Evripides ; Zapiti, Anna 
Sep-2012Dilemmas between image and text: eye-tracker and opening titles in filmsZantides, Evripides 
2012The use of eye-tracker technology to evaluate gender perception differences/biases on typeface design and characteristicsZantides, Evripides ; Photiadis, Thomas ; Papadima, Aspasia 
Mar-2012The use of eye-tracker technology to evaluate typefaces, Greek fonts and publication design for screenZantides, Evripides 
Nov-2011Children’s Representation in Advertising: A Content Analytic LookZantides, Evripides ; Zapiti, Anna 
Jun-2011Iconicity and the role of Typography on the visual interpretation of verbal signsZantides, Evripides 
Apr-2010A semiotic analysis on the visual identity of children’s toys for investigating encodings of ideological gender assumptions in young agesZantides, Evripides 
Apr-2006Cyprus and Graphic Communication-From the Vernacular to the Design AgencyZantides, Evripides 
15-Apr-2005Type, Inter-type and meaningZantides, Evripides 
25-Jun-2004The use of type in Fine Art: How interpretation of the text defines perceptual stanceZantides, Evripides 
25-Sep-2003When does the Reader become the Writer?Zantides, Evripides 
19-Sep-2002Intertextuality and its influence on optico-acoustical languages: why is this happening?Zantides, Evripides 
Jun-2002Serial thought on everyday graphic symbols. The construction of an Intertextual Visual OrchestraZantides, Evripides 
2023Designing an Agent-Based Model for a City-Level Simulation of COVID-19 Spread in CyprusFayad, Philip ; Hadjipetrou, Stylianos ; Leventis, Georgios ; Kavroudakis, Dimitris ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon 
7-Jul-2007From Verbal to Graphic: The role of Semiotics in Visualizing LanguageZantides, Evripides 
18-Jun-2010Lending Grace to Time: Visualization of durationZantides, Evripides ; Papadima, Aspasia 
11-Sep-2010Typography as a tool for stereotyping and encoding connotative significations on the literal meaning of words.Zantides, Evripides ; Papadima, Aspasia 
2008Η καλλιέργεια και ανάπτυξη των Γραφικών Τεχνών στην Κύπρο-Τάσεις, προβλήματα και προοπτικέςZantides, Evripides 
2010The importance of typography in graphic communication for public documentsZantides, Evripides ; Papadima, Aspasia 
7-Nov-2010Η ιδιωματική (vernacular) τυπογραφία στη ΚύπροZantides, Evripides ; Papadima, Aspasia 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2564