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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2541
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Sep-2024Exploring Narrative Skills in Bilectal Cypriot-Greek Children with and without Developmental Language DisorderPapastefanou, Theodora ; Theodorou, Eleni ; Giannakou, Eleni ; Pentara, Constantina ; Tourliou, Nikoletta 
10-Sep-2024The longitudinal effects of vocabulary, morphosyntax, and home literacy activities on Greek-English bilingual and bi-literate children’s reading comprehensionPapastefanou, Theodora ; Marinis, Theodoros 
13-Feb-2025Old Classics Anew. Industrial Era Classics, Made with Pre-Industrial TechniquesKorae, Eva ; Achilleos, Konstantina ; Tuomas, Venäläinen 
Jan-2025Towards Digitally Fabricated Pre-Industrial MaterialsKorae, Eva 
Oct-2024Laser Acrobatics: Cutting, Engraving and MakingKorae, Eva 
28-May-2024The impact of technology on buyer-seller interactionsLeonidou, Erasmia 
11-Sep-2024The Role of Blockchain Technology and Its Impact on The Buyer-Supplier Relationships in The Food Supply ChainMelanthiou, Yioula ; El Naddaf, Sami ; Efthymiou, Leonidas ; Christodoulou, Klitos 
11-Sep-2024Segmentation of The Italian E-Mobility Market. An Application of The Theory of Planned BehaviourMelanthiou, Yioula ; Augurio, Alessandro ; Castaldi, Laura 
3-Jun-2024Empathy and Sustainability: The Art of Thinking like a MountainKyprianidou, Efi 
11-Sep-2024Exploring the Intersection Between Luxury Fashion and Sustainability. A Bibliometric AnalysisMelanthiou, Yioula ; Augurio, Alessandro ; Castaldi, Laura 
11-Sep-2024Ethical and Unethical Practices Within the Food Supply Chain: Exploring the Role and Application of Blockchain TechnologyMelanthiou, Yioula ; El Naddaf, Sami ; Efthymiou, Leonidas ; Christodoulou, Klitos 
11-Sep-2024Shaping Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs: Insights and Innovations from The Erasmus+ Entrepreneurship Training ProgrammeMelanthiou, Yioula ; Triga, Vasiliki ; Ferreira Dias, Marta ; Amorim, M. ; Alves, C. ; Gomes, I. ; Meireles, G. ; Ribeiro, A.L. ; Bratitsis, T. ; Daubariene, A. ; Daunoriene, A. ; Ryciuk, U. 
11-Sep-2024Unlocking NGO Success: The Strategic Role of Multisensory Marketing in A Dynamic Global EnvironmentMelanthiou, Yioula ; Avgeropoulou, Katerina 
11-Jul-2024Enhancing Customer Experience in The Retail Sector Through Immersive TechnologiesMelanthiou, Yioula 
1-Jan-2024Digital Pedagogies for Higher Education: The Design of an Online Training Programme for Academic StaffSoule, Maria Victoria ; Kakoulli-Constantinou, Elis 
15-Dec-2024Unchaining digital responsibility from innovation in the world of metaverses: insights fr erses: insights from the EU meta om the EU metaverse policyPolyviou, Ariana 
5-Dec-2024What Can We Learn From Vicious Perspectives: A Problem About Moral Development and Virtue EthicsKyprianidou, Efi 
Jun-2021Effect of the trm reinforcement ratio on the lateral response of a three-story masonry-infilled rc frame retrofitted with trmFillipou, Christiana ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Kyriakides, Nicholas 
Jun-2024The History of Autism Spectrum Disorders Committee (ASD)Petinou, Kakia 
Sep-2024Consumer Trust and Voice Marketing in the Age of AI and RoboticsLeonidou, Erasmia ; Kypros, Zantis 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2541