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Title: Popularity Versus Similarity in Growing Networks
Authors: Papadopoulos, Fragkiskos 
Kitsak, Maksim 
Serrano, Angeles M. 
Boguñá, Marián 
Krioukov, Dmitri 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Information Engineering
Keywords: Applied physics;Engineering;Physics
Issue Date: 12-Sep-2012
Source: Nature, 2012, vol. 489, no. 7417, pp. 537–540
Volume: 489
Issue: 7417
Start page: 537
End page: 540
Journal: Nature 
Abstract: The principle that popularity is attractive underlies preferential attachment, which is a common explanation for the emergence of scaling in growing networks. If new connections are made preferentially to more popular nodes, then the resulting distribution of the number of connections possessed by nodes follows power laws as observed in many real networks. Preferential attachment has been directly validated for some real networks (including the Internet), and can be a consequence of different underlying processes based on node fitness, ranking, optimization, random walks or duplication. Here we show that popularity is just one dimension of attractiveness; another dimension is similarity. We develop a framework in which new connections optimize certain trade-offs between popularity and similarity, instead of simply preferring popular nodes. The framework has a geometric interpretation in which popularity preference emerges from local optimization. As opposed to preferential attachment, our optimization framework accurately describes the large-scale evolution of technological (the Internet), social (trust relationships between people) and biological (Escherichia coli metabolic) networks, predicting the probability of new links with high precision. The framework that we have developed can thus be used for predicting new links in evolving networks, and provides a different perspective on preferential attachment as an emergent phenomenon.
ISSN: 14764687
DOI: 10.1038/nature11459
Rights: © 2012 Nature
Type: Article
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
University of California, San Diego 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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