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Title: The Multilingual Picture Database
Authors: Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni 
Baciero, Ana 
Antoniou, Kyriakos 
Antoniou, Mark 
Ataman, Esra 
Baus, Cristina 
Ben-Shachar, Michal 
Çağlar, Ozan Can 
Chromý, Jan 
Comesaña, Montserrat 
Filip, Maroš 
Đurđević, Dušica Filipović 
Dowens, Margaret Gillon 
Hatzidaki, Anna 
Januška, Jiří 
Jusoh, Zuraini 
Kanj, Rama 
Kim, Say Young 
Kırkıcı, Bilal 
Leminen, Alina 
Lohndal, Terje 
Yap, Ngee Thai 
Renvall, Hanna 
Rothman, Jason 
Royle, Phaedra 
Santesteban, Mikel 
Sevilla, Yamila 
Slioussar, Natalia 
Vaughan-Evans, Awel 
Wodniecka, Zofia 
Wulff, Stefanie 
Pliatsikas, Christos 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Health Sciences
Keywords: Databases;Factual;Language;Multilingualism;Psycholinguistics;Recognition;Psychology
Issue Date: 21-Jul-2022
Source: Scientific Data, 2022, vol.9, no.1
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Journal: Scientific Data 
Abstract: The growing interdisciplinary research field of psycholinguistics is in constant need of new and up-to-date tools which will allow researchers to answer complex questions, but also expand on languages other than English, which dominates the field. One type of such tools are picture datasets which provide naming norms for everyday objects. However, existing databases tend to be small in terms of the number of items they include, and have also been normed in a limited number of languages, despite the recent boom in multilingualism research. In this paper we present the Multilingual Picture (Multipic) database, containing naming norms and familiarity scores for 500 coloured pictures, in thirty-two languages or language varieties from around the world. The data was validated with standard methods that have been used for existing picture datasets. This is the first dataset to provide naming norms, and translation equivalents, for such a variety of languages; as such, it will be of particular value to psycholinguists and other interested researchers. The dataset has been made freely available.
ISSN: 2052-4463
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01552-7
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Type: Article
Affiliation : Centro de Investigación Nebrija en Cognición 
Universidad Nebrija 
UiT The Arctic University of Norway 
Bournemouth University 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Hellenic Open University 
University of Western Sydney 
Macquarie University 
Universitat de Barcelona 
Bar-Ilan University 
Charles University 
University of Minho 
University of Belgrade 
University of Nottingham Ningbo China 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
Universiti Putra Malaysia 
University of Reading 
Hanyang University 
Laurea University of Applied Sciences 
University of Helsinki 
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology 
Aalto University 
University of Helsinki 
Helsinki University Hospital 
University of Montreal 
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) 
Universidad de Buenos Aires 
Saint Petersburg State University 
University of Florida 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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