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Title: Phantom-based assessment of motion and needle targeting accuracy of robotic devices for magnetic resonance imaging-guided needle biopsy
Authors: Antoniou, Anastasia 
Nikolaou, Anastasia 
Evripidou, Nikolas 
Georgiou, Andreas 
Filippou, Antria 
Zinonos, Vasiliki 
Giannakou, Marinos 
Chrysanthou, Antreas 
Ioannides, Cleanthis 
Damianou, Christakis A. 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Information Engineering
Keywords: MRI-guided;Agar phantoms;Breast biopsy;Motion accuracy;Needle targeting;Robotic device
Issue Date: May-2023
Source: The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2023, pp. 1-15
Start page: 1
End page: 15
Journal: The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 
Abstract: Background:The current study proposessimple methodsfor assessingthe per-formance of robotic devices intended for Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI)‐guided needle biopsy. Methods:In‐housemade agar‐based breast phantoms containingbiopsy targetsservedasthemaintoolintheevaluationprocessofanMRIcompatiblepositioningdevice comprising a needle navigator. The motion accuracy of mechanical stages was assessed by calliper measurements. Laboratoryevaluationof needle targeting included a repeatability phantomtest and a laser‐based method. The accuracy andrepeatability of needle targeting was also assessed by MRI. Results: The maximum error of linear motion for steps up to 10 mm was 0.1 mm. Needle navigation relative to the phantomand alignment with the various biopsy targets were performed successfully in both the laboratory and MRI settings. The proposed biopsy phantoms offered tissue‐like signal in MRI and good haptic feed-back during needle insertion. Conclusions: The proposed methods could be valuable in the process of validating the accuracy of MRI‐guided biopsy robotic devices in both laboratory and real environments.
ISSN: 14785951
DOI: 10.1002/rcs.2526
Rights: © The Authors.
Type: Article
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
R&D, Medsonic Ltd 
German Oncology Center 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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