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Title: A neural network assisted algorithm for automated detection of breast cancer nuclei
Authors: Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas 
Schnorrenberg, Frank 
Pattichis, Constantinos S. 
Kollias, Stefanos D. 
Schizas, Christos N. 
Major Field of Science: Medical and Health Sciences
Field Category: Clinical Medicine
Keywords: Breast biopsy;Breast cancer;Cancer detection;Detection algorithms;Immune system;Medical treatment;Neural networks;Object detection
Issue Date: 1997
Source: 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 1997, Santorini, Greece, 2-4 July
Abstract: A neural network assisted algorithm used for the detection of nuclei in biopsy images is presented. This algorithm is combined in a logical AND form with an algorithm based on receptive fields to build the nuclei detection part of an integrated system used for automated assessing of histological slides of breast biopsy specimens
ISBN: 0-7803-4137-6
DOI: 10.1109/ICDSP.1997.628058
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : National Technical University Of Athens 
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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