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Title: Being creative under the Covid-19 pandemic crisis: the role of effective inter-organizational relationship management
Authors: Leonidou, Leonidas C. 
Aykol, Bilge 
Fotiadis, Thomas A. 
Marinova, Svetla 
Christodoulides, Paul 
Major Field of Science: Social Sciences
Field Category: Economics and Business
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic;Crisis management;Inter-partner creativity
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2022
Source: International Marketing Review, 2022
Journal: International Marketing Review 
Abstract: Purpose: Anchored on the broaden-and-build theory and the circumplex model, the authors develop and test a conceptual model in which satisfaction, influenced by an effective handling of communication, cooperation, conflict, and opportunism, is set as the predictor of inter-partner creativity in the relationship between hotels and their foreign travel agents under the Covid-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The conceptual model was tested with data collected from 190 randomly selected hotel units located in Greece, using both online and drop-in questionnaire methods. Data were analyzed using SEM analysis. Findings: Satisfaction with the working relationship was found to be enhanced by improving communication and cooperation, as well as by keeping conflict and opportunism at low levels. This was a strong predictor of inter-partner creativity, although less pronounced under high levels of relational distance and rigidity. Research limitations/implications: The study should be extended to other country settings, replicated at different levels of crisis severity, and use dyadic data. Additional environmental factors could be used as boundary conditions, while our model could be expanded to include additional drivers and consequences of inter-partner creativity. Practical implications: To generate inter-partner creativity, there is a need to maintain high levels of satisfaction through proper communication, enhanced cooperation, conflict minimization, and avoidance of opportunistic actions. Also, to better translate satisfaction into inter-partner creativity, interacting parties should keep distance at low levels, while at the same time demonstrate greater flexibility. Originality/value: The study unveils the role of effectively managing behavioral factors in inter-firm relationships to develop creative solutions to the Covid-19 crisis challenges, an issue neglected by prior research. The study also sheds light on the contingent effects of distance and rigidity, two important factors moderating relationships under crisis. The study applies for the first time two psychological-based theories, the broaden-and-build theory and the circumplex model, to an international marketing crisis situation.
ISSN: 02651335
DOI: 10.1108/IMR-01-2022-0016
Rights: © Emerald Publishing Limited
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Type: Article
Affiliation : University of Cyprus 
Dokuz Eylül University 
Democritus University of Thrace 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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