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Title: Dynamic simulation tool for a performance evaluation and sensitivity study of a parabolic trough collector system with concrete thermal energy storage
Authors: Sattler, Johannes Christoph 
Caminos, Ricardo Alexander Chico 
Atti, Vikrama 
Ürlings, Nicolas 
Dutta, Siddharth 
Ruiz, Victor 
Kalogirou, Soteris A. 
Ktistis, Panayiotis K. 
Agathokleous, Rafaela 
Alexopoulos, Spiros 
Boura, Cristiano Teixeira 
Herrmann, Ulf 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Environmental Engineering
Keywords: Fresnel Reflectors;Solar Power Plants;Solar Thermal Energy
Issue Date: 11-Dec-2020
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, vol. 2303, articl. no. 0029277
Volume: 2303
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings 
Abstract: Plant developers of parabolic trough collector (PTC) systems for industrial steam generation face various challenges. Some of the main challenges are availability of land, buildings in the vicinity of the plant that cast shadows on the collectors as well as land restrictions. The typical north-south collector axis alignment in many cases may not be possible due to limits of available ground. These were challenges that were faced in the planning phase for installing a PTC plant on the premises of the KEAN Soft Drinks Ltd factory in Limassol, Cyprus. As these issues cannot be avoided they must be accounted for by the plant developer, especially when a performance guarantee is given. This work presents, amongst other things, factors that should be analysed in order to predict the energy yield in the planning phase as best as possible by using a simulation model. In the sensitivity study presented in this paper, several effects on the energy yield were investigated theoretically. These effects include: Tracking inaccuracy, non-parallel collector row axis orientations as well as north-south vs. east-west collector alignment. A dynamic simulation model developed by the Solar-Institut Jülich (SIJ) [1] was further developed and used for the analysis. The simulation model features a deviation between the measured and simulated oil temperature at the collector outlet of only 1.5 K (rms). The findings are presented in this paper and give an insight into the effectiveness of mid-sized PTC systems for the industry sector.
ISSN: 0094243X
DOI: 10.1063/5.0029277
Rights: © 2020 Author(s)
Type: Article
Affiliation : Solar-Institut Jülich 
Protarget AG 
CADE Soluciones de Ingeniería 
Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα/Articles

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