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Title: 2020 Update of the quality indicators for acute myocardial infarction: a position paper of the Association for Acute Cardiovascular Care: the study group for quality indicators from the ACVC and the NSTE-ACS guideline group
Authors: Schiele, François 
Aktaa, Suleman 
Rossello, Xavier 
Ahrens, Ingo 
Claeys, Marc J. 
Collet, Jean-Philippe 
Fox, Keith A.A. 
Gale, Chris P. 
Huber, Kurt 
Iakobishvili, Zaza 
Keys, Alan 
Lambrinou, Ekaterini 
Leonardi, Sergio 
Lettino, Maddalena 
Masoudi, Frederick A. 
Price, Susanna 
Quinn, Tom 
Swahn, Eva 
Thiele, Holger 
Timmis, Adam 
Tubaro, Marco 
Vrints, Christiaan J. M. 
Walker, David 
Bueno, Hector 
Halvorsen, Sigrun 
Jernberg, Tomas 
Jortveit, Jarle 
Blöndal, Mai 
Ibanez, Borja 
Hassager, Christian 
Major Field of Science: Agricultural Sciences
Field Category: Clinical Medicine
Keywords: Myocardial infarction;Quality improvement;Quality indicators
Issue Date: Feb-2021
Source: European heart journal: Acute cardiovascular care, 2021, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 224–233
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Start page: 224
End page: 233
Journal: European heart journal: Acute cardiovascular care 
Abstract: Aims Quality indicators (QIs) are tools to improve the delivery of evidence-base medicine. In 2017, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Association for Acute Cardiovascular Care (ACVC) developed a set of QIs for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), which have been evaluated at national and international levels and across different populations. However, an update of these QIs is needed in light of the accumulated experience and the changes in the supporting evidence. Methods and results The ESC methodology for the QI development was used to update the 2017 ACVC QIs. We identified key domains of AMI care, conducted a literature review, developed a list of candidate QIs, and used a modified Delphi method to select the final set of indicators. The same seven domains of AMI care identified by the 2017 Study Group were retained for this update. For each domain, main and secondary QIs were developed reflecting the essential and complementary aspects of care, respectively. Overall, 26 QIs are proposed in this document, compared to 20 in the 2017 set. New QIs are proposed in this document (e.g. the centre use of high-sensitivity troponin), some were retained or modified (e.g. the in-hospital risk assessment), and others were retired in accordance with the changes in evidence [e.g. the proportion of patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) treated with fondaparinux] and the feasibility assessments (e.g. the proportion of patients with NSTEMI whom risk assessment is performed using the GRACE and CRUSADE risk scores). Conclusion Updated QIs for the management of AMI were developed according to contemporary knowledge and accumulated experience. These QIs may be applied to evaluate and improve the quality of AMI care.
ISSN: 20488734
DOI: 10.1093/ehjacc/zuaa037
Rights: © The Author(s)
Type: Article
Affiliation : University Hospital Besancon 
University of Leeds 
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) 
Hospital Universitari Son Espases 
Institut Investigacio Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) 
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV) 
Augustinerinnen Hospital Cologne 
University of Antwerp 
Sorbonne Universités 
The University of Edinburgh 
Sigmund Freud University 
Clalit Health Services 
Cyprus University of Technology 
University of Pavia 
IRCCS Fondazione San Matteo 
San Gerardo Hospital 
University of Colorado 
Imperial College London 
Kingston University 
St George's University of London 
Linköping University 
Leipzig University 
Barts Heart Centre 
Queen Mary University of London 
San Filippo Neri Hospital 
University of Antwerp 
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre 
Instituto de Investigacio´n Sanitaria Hospital 12 de Octubre 
Complutense University of Madrid 
University of Oslo 
Karolinska Institutet 
Sørlandet Hospital Arendal 
University of Tartu 
Hospital Fundacion Jimenez Dıaz 
University of Copenhagen 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
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