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Title: Evaluation of the health and safety inspections state in the construction industry of Cyprus
Authors: Tantele, Elia A 
Savva, Georgia C. 
Votsis, Renos 
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Civil Engineering
Keywords: Occupational hazards;Vision Zero
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Abstract: Safe and healthy working conditions are a legal obligation in most countries. They can also serve as an investment in a healthy business that can lead to positive economic effects. Accidents at work and occupational diseases are neither predetermined nor unavoidable - they always have causes, which are preventable in many cases. International research on the return on investments in prevention proves that every euro invested in safety and health generates a potential benefit of more than two euros in positive economic effects. By building a strong prevention culture, these causes can be eliminated and work-related accidents and occupational diseases are prevented. In this paper, the Health and Safety (H&S) guidelines along their practical approaches of the Construction Sector in Cyprus are presented and evaluated. The applied methodology for the evaluation of the current H&S state is also presented. Through the evaluation, suggestions for future improvements are presented and discussed.
DOI: 10.14455/ISEC.res.2020.7(1).CSA-05
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Type: Conference Papers
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε συνέδρια /Conference papers or poster or presentation

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