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Title: International Pissouri Village Symposium: Media and Democracy
Authors: Pleios, George 
Violakis, Petros 
Kampaki, Maria Christina 
Letsiou, Roxanthi 
Aspriadis, Neofytos 
Yadav, Sudarshan 
Zubok, Yulia 
Chankova, Elena 
Voskarides, Sotos 
Alkiviadou, Natalie 
Editors: Antoniades, Euripides 
Major Field of Science: Social Sciences
Field Category: Media and Communications
Keywords: Media;Democracy;Mass media;Mass communication
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Media plays a critical a role today for the protection and the strengthening of peaceful democratic societies. On the other hand, Democracy gives us freedom—’the right to free speech’. The media through television channels, the Internet, and newspapers assume the role of the moral guardian in society. More than often, we depend on the media to seek the truth. But truth is subjective. What is truth to you might not be the truth to me. Therefore, the media is expected to carefully analyze a situation from all possible angles rather than merely pass a fixed moral judgment. This International Symposium today we discuss with the question of the role of mass media in modern democracies. Mass communication is indispensable for today’s large-scale societies, and television, newspapers and the radio are the most important sources of information for citizens all around the globe. But while there seems to be great consensus about what this means for dictatorships and countries in transition, the contribution of mass media to the wellfunctioning of more mature and established democracies is highly debated among scholars, politicians and practitioners alike. There is usually no doubt that mass media help maintaining the system and the power of the government in authoritarian regimes where they are – at least for the most part – tightly controlled by the state.
ISBN: 978-9925-557-46-2
Rights: © Pissouri Repatriated Association, 2020 All rights reserved. This is an Open Access Book. Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives
Type: Book
Affiliation : National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
Cyprus University of Technology 
University of Piraeus 
Central University of Jharkhand 
Russian Academy of Sciences 
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