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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 238
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Feb-2024The Fifteenth Plaster FestivalMouzouropoulos, Theseas 
2024Η Barbie και το 4 ο κύμα φεμινισμούTsaousi, Christiana 
1-Nov-2024Speculative EnquiriesKoutsomichalis, Marinos ; Vaughan, Connell ; Fitzpatrick, Noel 
Sep-2021Proceedings of the III International Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics: Innovation and Advanced Technology for Circular Horticulture
Mar-2023Proceedings of the VI International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology: Innovation and Advanced Technologies for Managing Postharvest Pathogens
Mar-2025Laser Acrobatics: A Picture Book of Cutting, Engraving and MakingKorae, Eva ; Vozikis, Athanasios ; Satsia, Marisa 
2023Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns : 20th International Conference, CAIP 2023, Limassol, Cyprus, September 25–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
Nov-2024EuroXR 2024: Proceedings of the 21st EuroXR International Conference
25-Jul-2024Editorial: Emerging technologies and digitalization in education for sustainable developmentParmaxi, Antigoni ; Nicolaou, Anna ; Kakoulli-Constantinou, Elis ; Soule, Maria Victoria ; Zachariou, Aravella ; Burgos, Daniel 
Jun-202418th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) Proceedings
20-Jan-2025Niche Tourism and Sustainability : Perspectives, Practices and Prospects
18-Dec-2024Innovative Language Teaching Practices in Higher Education in a Post-COVID Era
25-Aug-2022Cycle tourist characteristics.Zopiatis, Anastasios ; Andreev, Hristo 
Dec-2024Solid Waste and Wastewater Management in Light of Circular Economy
1-Dec-2024Η Μαιευτική στην Κύπρο Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου. Η Μαιευτική στην Κύπρο. Ιστορική επισκόπησηHadjigeorgiou, Eleni 
2024Innovative Language Teaching Practices in Higher Education in a Post-COVID Era
1-Oct-2024Tactical citizenships: Encounters with everyday state in the Republic of CyprusKouros, Theodoros 
2-Jun-2024Semiotics and Visual Communication IV-Myths of Today
2-Jun-2022Second Cyprus international poster triennial 2022
2024Έμφυλες Προσεγγίσεις στις Τέχνες
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 238